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Posts posted by flow

  1. 1 minute ago, Cyrus Raven said:

    Is this needed? I think the post you're replying to is a far cry away from ''the same rhetoric used to justify hate against black people''

    It absolutely is, it is masquerading hate with opinion and free speech and I will call it out as I see it.

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  2. 2 minutes ago, Payn said:

    People need to accept that not everyone is accepting of things and if sure if sometbing came up that other communities didn’t like then they’d say their opinion that’s how it works

    That is the same rhetoric used to justify hate against black people, literally taken out of the same handbook "Well I don't agree with black people and their mentality and their views and them shoving their lifestyle down my throat, I have the right to disagree with it and be open with it!!" Literally the same shit. Not agreeing with LGBTQ communities is not a matter of opinion, you are literally arguing against someone being who they were born as, it's like saying you don't agree with red haired people lmfao


    Honestly these anti LGBTQ posts and rhetoric get more insane as the day goes on

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  3. 23 minutes ago, Helix1015 said:

    Actually, as someone who completely understands every point Harvey told and agrees with it, he is expressing a problem. 

    I dont want to get into an argument regarding values on either end. But what I will say here is that your second paragraph is completely false. 

    "People who hold views like you are not being walked around being called homophobes" .... YES, we are. I was.

    "You should know that the only players that are being targeted are the truly hateful" ... man, describe to me how I was hateful. I resigned from LSSD and you guys decided to turn it into a dishonorable discharge for reacting to posts with a rolling eyes emoji. Nowhere near the same as ledger's puke emoji - that was hateful. I just didn't want to hear pride announcements and I have the same exact viewpoints as Harvey does. And now I'm being misrepresented in the community and unable to join lspd or sadoc because yall claim that I see trans as a mental illness when that's untrue? I'm not going to get into anything here. This is a game by the end of the day it's getting too political with pride stuff. 



    This you? I don't know how us saying we only removed HATEFUL people could be misinterpreted? You need a reality check my dude,

  4. 49 minutes ago, Harveyyy said:

    So if an LGBTQ person wants to talk about their beliefs and promote them everywhere, then it's freedom of speech (first amendment right in USA), but if a Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or just a Straight person wants to talk about their beliefs then it's bigoted and shoving their religion/beliefs down people's throats? If an LGBTQ person wants to protest because that seems to be the norm, then that's just "democracy in action", but if a Christian, Muslim, Jewish, or a Straight person wants to voice their opinion that LGBTQ people are heavily demanding through these protests, online posts etc. then it's just straight up homophobia? This is not a double standard, this is just illogical. It becomes irritating when people start to believe they're being forced to accept this, and if they don't, they get labeled as homophobic.

    LGBTQ people have been celebrating this for many many years and I had no issues with it until it became forceful - the need for acknowledgment, the need for force celebration, the need for force validation, and that's when you lost people. Look, it's OKAY to be proud of your sexuality, but why do I have to be proud of YOUR sexuality? I don't care if you're gay, I don't care if you're LGBTQ, I don't care if you want to call yourself a Zebra, I don't care if you want to stand on your head, and I could not care less what anybody wants to do in their own private life with their own private time, but I do care when you decide to use the "homophobic card" against people simply for disagreeing with you or for having different beliefs, let alone I have more important things to worry about. If people want to support you, then I'm happy for you, but if they don't, then LEAVE them out of it! Stop demanding attention from everyone and expect everyone to be on board, because that will not happen.

    Everybody should have the prerogative to decide what they want to support or not, you cannot sit there and force this on everyone. If you want people to at least show you respect, then you have to respect their beliefs, it's a two-way street! However, if someone goes out there and attacks LGBTQ people and uses slurs etc, then you have the right to call them homophobic, and that's the only time you have the right to call someone that word.

    Lastly, If you think I'm homophobic/transphobic/racist, whatever, then shame on you!

    For someone who doesn't care what people do or identify as, you are using a lot of words to type out a reply detailing how you do care lmao...

    Anyone who thinks anything is being shoved down their throat is an idiot in their own right, how easy would it have been to to not reply and move on and actually not care? Instead, you gotta shove your opinion down people's throat who have not asked for it at all, ironic.

    What are they shoving down your throat exactly? That they would like to be left in peace to love whoever they do, marry, adopt children, enjoy the same priviliges as straight couples? To not be ostracized and shunted for being different? Is that what you can't possibly bear, someone who is different to you wanting to live the same life with the same level of security and freedom? Man, that is fucking sad ngl. 

    You are very upset for whatever reason and think freedom of speech grants you the freedom to attack people, veiling it as an "opinion" while it's nothing more than clever worded hate speech.


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  5. All in all I do like the idea of fake licenses, however, it needs to be way more sophisticated than what is proposed. Being able to do BLS because you have a fake license makes no sense whatsoever, as you still lack the knowledge ICly to perform actual BLS, a fake license will not provide you the necesarry training. Furthermore, fake licenses don't actually work in any other setting than dealing with civilians. As soon as you need to do anything government related with that license, you are found out. Licenses have unique identifiers and serial numbers that are checked when for example dealing the police and other government entities. There not being any way to check whether a presented license is fake or real other than some RNG with an NPC make little sense. Licenses should have serial numbers and those need to be traceable like the weapon serials to be able to actually see if a license is fake or real.

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