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Loki hindsight

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Everything posted by Loki hindsight

  1. oh ok i understand now, my bad sorry. so much to learn but im getting there i think. thanks for your time
  2. Date and time (provide timezone): 18:49 gmt Character name: Loki Hindsight Issue/bug you are reporting: speeding tickket bug, i have paid multiple times for the same ticket and it gives me the same one everytime i log back in. its been a couple of days like this, the officer in the clips checks and says that i only have two tickets, on is paid and one is not, but as you can see in the clip i pay for the ticket multiple times. i dont know how much money i have lost on one ticket. Expected behavior: i will get a ticket report every time i log in and i cant stop it by paying it off Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Vehicle license plate number*: GR1ND3R
  3. ok im sorry delete this post, next time i will follow the requirements
  4. this has happened twice today hope this clip helps
  5. Character Name: Loki Hindsight Race: White British D.O.B: December 17 Sex: Asexual (I took the Myers Brigg test in character and these are my results, this test helped me further build my character and history) Myers Briggs Type: ENFP Extravert(100%) Intuitive(9%) Feeling(50%) Perceiving(50%) strong preference of Extraversion over Introversion (100%) slight preference of Intuition over Sensing (9%) moderate preference of Feeling over Thinking (50%) moderate preference of Perceiving over Judging (50%) Height: 5ft 8' Weight: 11 Stone / 154 Pounds Hair/Colour: Short, Shaggy black head hair with a stubbly dark black bearded Marks/scars: Loki has a large scar on his neck (due to a bicycle stunt fail when he was young) Clothing: Large trench coat, black trousers and work boots in the winter. White t-shirt, black shorts and crocks in the summer. Loki Was born in London England in 1989, Loki did not have must chance for healthy childhood growth with the beatings and mental torture from his psychotic mother, due to his circumstances officials at an early age saw to it that he was adopted by his grandmother and grandfather. They lived further south of England in a rural area in Northamptonshire, life was easier for Loki but with his shackles broken and the soft nature of his grandparents he would, naturally, run wild and cause havoc around the rural community he resided in, forcing his grandparents to have to move him from school to school in an effort to find a teacher capable of taming such a 'know it all' child. Further on into his teens, under the guidance of his grandmother, his academics came along well regardless of his obvious disregard for an education he just seemed to 'soak' it all up, around sixteen years old Loki's test started showing amazing progression and growth. This amazed teachers and pupils alike, 'Loki is nothing but trouble how has he got such high scores' they would mutter, some even questioning the validity of his results, although the results were legitimate and it was true Loki was very strong-minded and gifted mentally, even given all the skull fractures and bone breaks in his early years due to his mother's beatings. Loki didn't take kindly to his newly found attention in school regarding his now known 'genius status, he in fact went in the complete opposite direction and started to flunk lessons and test in a bid to rebel. Maybe it was his hormones being only sixteen his emotions were all over the place, he started to skip school altogether choosing to work in a small garage instead. As an apprentice Loki learned a lot about cars and racing, by eighteen he was already involved in illegal street racing and taking drugs with his friends, all his schooling fell to the wayside. Ten years passed with not much change at all, Loki had no care in the world, no job, and different girlfriends ever another month he still lived with his grandparents and was carefree until one day his grandmother died suddenly, he was inconsolable, she was his best friend! his only family! the only one that ever really cared. Loki decided to change his life with respect for his grandmother, he left his friends and remaining family to pursue happiness drug and crime-free, to find work and success the way his grandmother wanted him to. Who knows where his new path will lead.. who knows if Los Santos is ready for Loki Hindsight! Character Profile: Loki is resourceful and cunning he is brave and picks his battles wisely but he can sometimes let his emotions rule him, extremely Loyal and supportive of his 'friends' around him. Although most of the time he is too supportive and spends too much mental energy on caring for others, instead of focusing on himself. When Loki is not thinking about transforming the world or pitching an amazing idea to unwittingly head nodding friend of his, he is peaceful calm and wise. Still very quick to take over the conversation mind you, Loki does love the limelight at times. He speaks before he thinks, he acts and ask questions later very often letting his good morals and gut instinct lead the charge. he enjoys hunting regularly for small game like rabbits and sometimes foxes for farmers not far from London city, Loki is a 'mans man' regardless of the fact he has no romantic feelings towards either sex, 'relationships are for those with too much time on their hands' is an over used phrase of his, some call it a 'catchphrase'. Loki's is not religious as such but believes we live more than one life, he likes to know and learn about all religions and particularly hates ignorant or disrespectful people. He fears the police and government because in his eyes they are the only humans truly 'above' him, with that fear sits heaps of respect and admiration, intrigue and wonder. He always wondered what it would be like to be an officer or health service personnel but never really did anything productive about it. In the short term Loki's goals are to become financially stable and to further support his friends around him, he dreams of a modest house and car, business and inner peace. Positive Traits: This British native is frank and fair he holds a sense justice and hard work in any of his projects, he is malleable and inspiring and puts a lot of heart and soul into his work. Always up for care free competition, win or loose Loki is just happy to participate he doesn't show off his accomplishments. Funny and eager, Loki proves to be a humorous companions to those in his inner circle. Negative traits: Loki must learn that even the best of people make mistakes and disappoint people, he finds it hard to accept if his loyalties are not mimicked by his friends or family, often cutting people off and the slightest sign of disloyalty or disrespect. often impulsive and conceit and this sometimes damages or kills relationships built over many months or even years. He is often impatient and unrealistic he wants it all, he wants it now.
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