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Bring back the 1.5x multiplier on packed cash, chopped cars and fix house robberys.

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+1 after 2-3 weeks of doing solid labs stuff at the moment. It's just rough completely for a Crim. Gangs hold a lab, then scout the others and just rob you every time. It'd be pretty chill if a lot more labs were active or some other form of creating the drugs other than basically PVP arena's. Because that's what the Labs have become and it's less rp to do with making drugs and more just " /s HANDS UP OR YOU'LL DIE" from a guy who you cant even see yet.

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labs should be activated through a "task" system to be honest. There should be 12 potential "setup spots" and you have to speak to your local dealer to "organise" a setup, activating a drug lab location. Perhaps you would have to deliver some supplies from one point to the setup location. Once complete, the lab activates. This gives people a choice of where they want to go. Perhaps people will cook more often than not, but other gangs could "interrogate" the dealer to find out where that lab is. Makes it more interactive.

Each dealer has 3 potential setup locations you can choose from (perhaps pay $2000 for the lead & setup fee) 

Simply add/remove dealers in the city to balance accordingly.

Edited by Roo Lestrange
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