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Melody Frey

PRB Arcade

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The Mission:

Our idea as a whole it to allow newcomers as well as seasoned veterans to gaming to be able to play retro and classic flash games via arcade machines linked to an OOC website. We intend to have full fledged high-score styled single player games as well as classic retro multiplayer games such as Pong, minor fighting games, and roguelike titles as well.

The idea:

Initially thought of some months back as between High Command members of The Underground, they have decided to take a much more fun approach to Anarchy and have decided to instead spread the word of their ideology through their love of gaming and tomfoolery. The arcade will be available to be played for free some days and for a small entry free other days, although scheduling and management has yet to be sorted as the interior is under construction still currently.

Over the past few months, The Underground has gone through a lot of trials, changes, IC and OOC events, and has outright wanted to do something for the community other than protests/giveaways. So, this is it! I hope to see love coming into this thread and feel free to share any thoughts for it. I know I've seen many people mention doing similar ideas in the past, but we finally wanted to step forwards and be the ones to do it. This is out biggest ongoing project as of yet and we wanted to share it here.


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