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Car Jack not working from some positions, possibly compass based

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Date and time (provide timezone): 02/02/2023 8pm to 2am Eastern Time

Character name: Henrietta Hargraves

Issue/bug you are reporting: Car Jack does not work from certain angles/compass positions.

Expected behavior:  Car jack works no matter where you place it.

Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: I had heard from other players that they were having trouble getting the car jack to work on both sides of a car. So, I decided to test it out while playing. I still need more data, but here is what I know.
Different locations on the map appear to behave differently.
Approx position 1027.29, -1839.34, 32.06. When I parked the car so it was facing East/West I was not able to raise the North side of the car with a carjack. When I rotated the car so it was facing North/South I had no issues with the car jack on the East/West sides of the car.
Approx location -1190.55, -2080.56, 14.40. When I parked the car facing North/South, believing this was the best way to go based on the previous test, I was able to lift only the East side (drivers side( of the car. The West side (passenger side) told me it was not positioned properly. I ended up having to rotate the car 180 degrees, and was then able to raise the East side of the vehicle again, which was now the passenger side because I turned the car around.
I intend to do more testing at these locations and others and will update as I gather more information. My belief is that for some reason the compass position of the car is playing a factor in if you can raise it with a car jack.

Vehicle license plate number*: N/A

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