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Posts posted by Ashie

  1. loads of people complain about the time in jail , i evaded the cops and had an illegal firearm and i was in the jail for about 4 to 5 hours , i feel it is fair but something that is fucked up is the fact that 500 stamps which take about 15 minutes to farm only take off 23 seconds off of ur sentence , that is honestly so unfair and so stupid , in jail u should add community services that can reduce the sentence and time for example what im invisioning in my mind is maybe fixing the power supply or cleaning or even serving people in the cafeteria in jail everybody just tabs out and has nothing else to do they are just afk , people are bored and want more , i think if people hear that if u do community services and it can reduce their 3 hour jail time to 10 minutes in only an hour i feel like people would actually do something , because nobody mines and nobody will ever do it in jail because it is not worth anybody's time both money wise and when it comes to taking down ur sentence.


    More criminal activities.

    ive been in the city for a year , and i pretty much always want to do crime to make money , the only thing that is fun to do is robbing stores and evading the cops on my motorcycle , what i think loads of people would enjoy are more simple and non risky (risky such as chop shops , making drugs , similar) criminal activities that would be fun for everybody and could make money , there are loads of things i am visioning such as an illegal racing club of sorts not a gang but just like a racing club , there are different classes of vehicles depending on their speed , price  and stuff like that , and of course bike racing should be involved too , there can be the people who run the illegal racing club and they are the ones who set it up and set a MINIMAL 10k prize if u win the race in 1st place.

    there should definitely be more risky heists that take less people but require more skill and are more complicated , a bank is simple and straight forward but again, u need more people , impossible to do as a small crew , i was thinking something similar to the bank heists , maybe even robbing the jewlery store near the courthouse , bobcat security , maybe robbing the safes inside of the little stores .


    To be clear this is just my idea and this is simply what i think would be cool for the criminals to do instead of just doing the same thing over and over again as a criminal. 

    Thank you for your time  

    - Jamie Butler

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