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Posts posted by ThatSchmoGuyPC

  1. Sonny Vance had a rough end to last year. After what seemed to start off great, with the opening of the first physical location of his company VanSolutions in Vice City, things quickly turned for the worse after Sonny fired an employee who had been caught taking unauthorized video inside the building and sued him. The gentleman turned out to have a son involved and well connected in the Sinaloan cartel.

    A week after the lawsuit was declared in Sonny's favor, he started receiving threatening phone calls, four delivery trucks carrying product and supplies to his company had been stolen and he was even paid a friendly visit by the son, flanked by six cartel members with guns, who promised him (after a not so friendly beatdown) that Sonny Vance would never again know what a peaceful life would ever feel like. They then robbed him, cleaned out his safe, and left him dazed in a pool of blood.

    Two days later after discharging himself from the hospital, Sonny immediately went home. He called his business partner and lawyers, and handed her over the reigns to the company on the condition that she rename it and allow him to keep the VanSolutions name and trademark. After that was done he took what little money he had saved in his safety box at his home, packed a suitcase and Uber'ed to the airport. He was now a man on the run for his life. He was going to try and restart in Los Santos. But he had forgotten that your problems often times have a way of catching up with you.

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