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Posts posted by strangur

  1. 52 minutes ago, Bala said:

    I'm not in a position to speak for anyone, but at a guess, it's partly a time issue. By that, I mean what free time the guys have to devote to developing is spent developing, not talking about what they're going to do. 

    Could they do a road-map? Perhaps, but then also, would they want to box themselves in for months? As soon as you promise something, there is an expectation to deliver then. If it doesn't happen when they say it will, they get killed for it. Sometimes issues come up or things become available that mean other things go on the backburner.

    I think also sometimes, some of the community can be quite disrespectful with their feedback and I'd imagine that can make you not want to engage with people. I'm sure you guys remember the tab name thing and the (( TABBED OUT )) feature that was added a couple months back. That was put in, it wasn't very well received, they listened and eventually removed it so they do listen, they just can't listen to everyone, all the time.

    I agree, there are some areas that feel a little stagnant and in need of work. I'm a full time cop on this server, don't really use my alts but the criminals definitely need some love. I hope they do get it at some point.

    But, I think we also need to be a little more tactful in how we give our feedback.

    Im going to continue to strongly advocate for a road map or some sort of communication. Im sure the devs dont do everything for free, and at the end of the day I do not believe they would be crucified for missing a deadline, people just would like to know that things are coming or how things are coming along and if it wasnt set in stone that would be fine too, people would continue playing just as they did before. I completely understand they have lives outside of this game and that for some it is a passion project but its disheartening to play and see nothing change both in the meta, and overall. I raise these questions to heighten the experience of the server not bash on devs. Other servers do have a system where they either reply to most suggestions that have any popularity, A passed or denied section, or simply reply some of the time. I want to continue to feel good about the server im playing both in its current state and looking forward. Its hard to do when there is little info coming out. 

  2. 1 hour ago, Bala said:

    I think there's a way to be critical of something, without getting yourself yeeted from anything.

    I think in all honesty, you have to temper your expectations when it comes to the suggestion forum. This is not a project in the construction phase where it's about building what the server is, it's about maintenance of the old with some implementation of new systems.

    I say this as someone that's made some pretty well received threads on those forums, but while something might be a great idea on paper, there are reasons why the majority of those suggestions don't make it to the server. it's not that they are shunned by administrators, the admin team doesn't decide what is implemented and what is not, the developers do.

    Those are the same developers that founded this community and created it's script between them. Considering the popularity and longevity of the project, I'd say they've done pretty well and deserve some respect for that. They also have the right to choose what goes in and what does not.

    I don't take it personally if my ideas don't get added and to be honest, I've spent a significant period of time over the past couple months working on spec to add some things to the server. There are no guarantees that that stuff will go in, but that's not the point. Because I've approached them in the right way and been respectful, they're more open to the ideas I might put forward.

    There are bugs in the script but show me a server that doesn't bug fix and I'll show you a server that doesn't develop anything. Like you and me, the developers have lives and responsibilities outside of coding.

    It's subjective really. You might look at the development tab and not really see anything to you but for example, adding the police vehicles opens up the server to adding additional custom vehicles down the road. Not just for government factions, but other parts of the server too. Adding the EUP uniforms to the server might benefit the government factions but it's also the first step in adding custom clothing to the server. 

    Since you have brought up Furniture, I personally spent the best part of 12 hours collecting those two lists of furniture. There is currently a final list with about 350 objects to be implemented as we speak, but that extra furniture has afforded people of all areas in the server to customise their homes and businesses. 

    Yes, you know what, I think it would be fantastic if we added the Cayo Perico idea I suggested or the Criminal Overhaul suggestion thread. I think it would likely improve the criminal side of things significantly, but if it doesn't go in, I'm not going to make a thread about it.

    Eclipse is not perfect, there are things that could definitely be improved but I wouldn't play anywhere else for GTA V.
    You just have to decide whether you can play in the server the way it is. If you can, great. If not, I'm sure you'll find enjoyment somewhere else. What I don't like is those people that do not enjoy the server, but rather than go elsewhere and find enjoyment, they linger like a foul odour and try to ruin it for other people.

    again somewhat agreeable, but I still dont see why radio silence on development is a good thing. not salty about like my ideas not making it in. Read my posts, that isnt my point. Just would like to see whats going on if anything because it doesnt appear to be and there is little to no communication which is almost never a good thing. and lets be honest if you are a crim, a civilian or a cop... the servers felt the same for a bit and the changes are just more commands for some scripted jobs, the addition of a few more drop/sell points for jobs and bug fixes. Oh and corners job. for months.

  3. 4 minutes ago, jason said:

    The issue with allowing people to know what is coming into the server is that it leads to metagaming within the economy and meta of the server. Every time a vehicle is removed from the server, people find out about it OOCly just before or just as it happens and will use it to their advantage. We can't pick and choose which ones we reply to otherwise people will just assume everything that's not replied to will be denied. 

    Sure, not every detail needs to be in a dev blog, blog post or known coming change. Something would be nice though. The only changes i have heard about is DOJ and Casino. other than that theres nothing coming from the dev team. There are plenty of things they could share that likley would not be used to metagame as there not always actionable information. on top of that, its announced that we are adding DOJ, we elect a justice, then silence... until... its released? I see devs of other servers live stream them adding textures or vehicles, that surely could be used as metagame, but nobody really cares because thats a small small portion of the work that they do. Theres so much they do that we would like to hear about that cant be meta'd. Also... Just not replying to very positively supported forum posts clearly is not a good way to do it as there is zero communication as to it being possible, impossible, in the works, on the shelf for now ect... so we have a suggestion page on the forum and we are just supposed to guess what gets implemented? even if it has a massive outcry of support we cant get a simple "were working on it."  If you replied to some and not others people would not instantly assume its denied they would accept that a dev hasnt seen it yet or that it wouldnt have enough support yet. Seems like advocating literal silence just isnt the way. Playing for months on end and little discussion of major changes. theres either MASSIVE updates coming... or there really isnt and we just arent talking about it. 

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  4. 7 minutes ago, jason said:

    The suggestions forum is not ignored. The devs look at every suggestion and will pick ones to add. Often times player suggestions may sound good to other players, but don't make sense in the balancing or realism aspects that the devs are aiming for. Suggestions can sit untouched for a while and be implemented later on. The devs have a private trello they use for their roadmap of the server. I'm sure their ideas are prioritized over suggestions that require heavy balancing adjustments and discussion within the senior staff team regarding realism and rules surrounding said suggestion.

    Almost all of the updates in the past 2 years have been mostly comprised of server suggestions.

    Again, Sure I could understand that. However no replies on the forum post, and very very very very few changes. could they at least say "hey were considering this in the future! we will update you if we take a second look" or "no way we could do this, Legit not possible with the engine" or "we are going to begin working on this!" instead nothing is said. No major changes in a while, every single serious post with serious support includes the pros, the cons, awareness of possible imbalances, current imbalances and consideration that these changes take a considerable amount of time and effort. Often mentioning how much they are willing to pay or donate to see these changes implemented. Sometimes other servers have some of these suggested changes, some of them are minor quality of life changes that could be so simple like changing fuel consumption. Im just not buying that the dev team is so busy adding minor bug fixes for 6-9 months that they cant consider a larger project, or even reply to it. Someones previous comments about how OSRS does it is correct IMO. If not community polled changes, which would be the definition of giving the people what they want, at least some more transparency or a more fleshed out dev blog of whats coming so people can feel like they are being heard or get excited about upcoming changes.

  5. not that Jason speaks for entire staff or anything of the sort but really could one or more people who are directly responsible for content creation on the server look at this? or any of the posts with massive support over 6 months on the forums? why do they never get looked at? why do they never become implemented? will they ever or we at a stand still? is there a labor shortage? it would be nice to have anything other than radio silence. I even see some mods/admins going out of their way to suggest clearly positive changes that would have a good lasting impact on the roleplay and even those are largely ignored.

  6. 6 minutes ago, Socalebvoll said:

    What I honestly got most from this Post is that, you are in it more for the money and the grind then the RP. You said that the RP is in general bad, but this entire post was about robbing banks and how shitty the Freelance jobs are. Maybe try some other things such as join DCC or LSC/Bayview! Robbing banks is fun and all but it really doesn't get RPd well. It is the same every time, "Run in, Leave the Fall guy with the hostage and go". and the prison sentence is the thing that makes them not overpowered, people tend to lean away because of 10 hours in prison, also the hostage thing, makes it less overpowered, In real life no one EVER robs bank after bank after bank. Those rules make everything more immersive and fun. and I have made 600k before doing banks so this 10-20k thing is VERY false.

    disclaimer: This is just my opinion, everyone is subject to one.

    read the post its about changes not being implemented that have significant support over months and months and anyone criticizing is smited or silenced. Banks was an example of the poor state of the RP and how it could be fixed. 600k divided by minimum 6-7 guys is 100k... if you get out with all of it which is hard when the police can basically do any and everything and do. Helicopters supers 26 cruisers, storm the bank automatic weapons body armor. again people said they had too much power nothing changed. And it is very apparent that they have too much power please watch any police offer stream ECRP on duty you will see. on top of that its just the suggestions falling on deaf ears. We want improved RP in prisons, implemented changes for free lance or scripted faction jobs and so on... and if you read the forums you can see they get a ton of support and never go anywhere.

  7. 18 minutes ago, jason said:

    The goal of the server isn't to make as much money as you can and buy everything you want, it's to roleplay. Yes, money can help with this, but it's not the thing you should be focusing on. Joining a faction isn't about making money, it's about joining a community of people to make friends and roleplay with. Script jobs pay significantly more than faction jobs to balance out the loss of roleplay by doing them.


    Thats true sure still there are serious improvements small and large that could and should be made that are not. Not saying this as i want to bring up the development teams failures I just want to play in a city where we are heard and any changes are implemented. We make posts saying we want better prison RP with detailed explanation, support from other admins, nothing. Similar for minor police nerfs for realism, still nothing. More jobs? not that either. how about quality of life like improving the motorcycles gas tanks so they are useable? still no. every topic i mentioned has one or more forum posts with multiple pages of support and replies some are 6+ months old still receiving support and not a word from an admin or anyone... on anything. Even if you commented, "we cant do this at this time but good idea" or something it would be more valid. The progress does appear to be stopped and thats very unfortunate. 

  8. 2 minutes ago, Lou The Fig Figliani said:

    I don’t want to add anymore fuel to this fire, even though I fully agree with everything here.  I see from the admins point of view there’s little incentive to build everything from the ground up.  But I’m gonna give my two cents anyways.  I think this server has a dedicated enough player base to make paying to play on it a standard, and before I’m shit on for this I think it would really incentivize the server owners to put in more effort and have the means to pay people to make these suggestions a reality.  Another one of my main complaints from the beginning is the damage modifiers on this server are abysmal.  There is no reason I should have to empty half my clip into someone’s head to kill them.  It not only ruins the immersiveness of what is supposed to be an rp server, but encourages these huge zergs/gangs to lay waist to anyone in their paths.  I was followed back to my house by a gang and I radioed in my boys, who completely blinded sided them and didn’t miss a single shot.  But because of the sheer size of this gang it was like a mosquito attack and my friends were annihilated in seconds despite the fact that they laid into them.  My house was promptly bolt cuttered into and we lost everything.  They need to add one taps to the head to people with no body armor and make a rule that if you’re doing criminal activity it can’t be in groups larger than 6.  Another thing is car accidents are no big deal, if you are going over 150kmph and crash you should not be walking away from that.  This just promotes reckless driving and less rp situations.  The amount of times a bus driver or some maniac has ran me over in the city or Paledo is just ridiculous.


  9. 2 minutes ago, amazezzz said:

    That’s not true if you take the time to plan it out it pays very well, I myself have made 65k from a bank robbery before along with 5-6 others, other time I used to make 30-45k once again along with 5-6 other, this has been in the past and I’ve been unable to play the server however I do not think anything has changed.

    sure that is the case. even if you make 65k you are limited to one a week, and theres a good chance you dont get away with the money due to the PDs insane numbers and unlimited tools. In order to improve the situation, either nerf PD, or loosen restrictions on criminal activity, Or buff the cash from some lower level criminal activities. And to reply to the potential archiving of the post, the discussion was not bashing staff, just asking to address the issues we see and that many others see and have asked about in the past only to be banned for mentioning it.

  10. 1 minute ago, amazezzz said:

    The rule was made to stop 30 hostage situations a day from occurring, you have to look at it from a Police Officers perspective it gets pretty annoying to have to deal with 10 hostage situations a day where it takes so much time and effort and people to control it, sometimes there could be low amount of Police on duty where hostage situations are not able to be dealt with as it takes a lot of effort and etc, the rule was implanted so you could still have the hostage rp but also put some time in between it, if you’re not comfortable doing a bank robbery stores are always a option so are car chopping and many other options the server can offer.

    somewhat understandable, but i also hear PD say theyre bored and pull people over for no reason because they are bored. Police do consistently MG particularly illegal firearms we really need a holster system or concealed carry, two things that were suggest forum posts months ago with significant support that went no where, with no reply. Doing other forms of low level criminal crime legit makes no money. if you did the math you would make more driving the bus. Even if i had a gang of 2 rob 5 stores simultaneously  they still make max 13k total. divided by 10 people. 

  11. 6 minutes ago, amazezzz said:

    We’ve been through this I think 10 times now, the server isn’t just scripts you can create your own type of rp by thinking and doing it, it’s not holding you back from doing so.

    Again you either blast out, Take hostages or attempt a stealth, all of which either dont pay hardly at all, have insane penalties or even if you have hostages ive still had PD think they're superman and storm the bank with no RP regarding hostage life. Most other criminal activity pays like less than a free lance job unless you are in an offical faction of 35 people with import power, even then you wont be getting a ton of money from it unless you are at the top 

  12. Regardless, There are larger issues to address. Many many times people have had valid criticism and in a constructive manner addressed it and were banned or silenced. furthermore if you play the server you can feel the issues. Theres a hundred posts adressing issues similar to the root of the problem with the current meta of RP in relation to PD/Criminals like this 

     and a thousand more. Still a lot of valid complaints being swept under the rug and a lot of criticism not being addressed or resolved. A ton of great forum posts with incredible ideas some small some large and very minimal progress, most of them are left on the chopping block. 

  13. 3 minutes ago, Dara MacFadden said:

    Lots of things in your original statement are just false, such as the banks having low payout, if you have to rely on the script completely I don't know what to tell you

    still gotta do 10 hours in prison with basically nothing to do. even the DOC workers months ago were begging for script jobs inside or even no script jobs but more areas/commisary to do something. Go to prison for 5-10 hrs, use your stamps to buy pickaxe, Mine, Get robbed or fight and lose the pickaxe even if you live, then you have no stamps and no pic so you have to rob someone else and thats all there is. fight too much you go on lockdown or solitary.

  14. Could not agree more, I have seen others great posts in all categories especially legal/freelance jobs get passed over, even basic ones like fishing. I myself made a very long, thought out post about how to improve the RP inside prison as it currently is near non existent with no bashing of anyone and addressing any potential problems that would arise from the new additions as well as referencing old posts on how to improve it from admins like Kat and it was deleted. no explanation, just was a considerable amount of work. The Police are very very very measurably over powered and have insane numbers, the gangs roll 20+ deep which is fine i guess but in other places that is restricted to a much lower number and the people in this place are less concerned with RP and having fun then they are with making money and killing others. Multiple other people with a following have made these issues known only to be banned for criticizing. 

  15. +1!!! Prison Jobs,(both RPly and scriptly) Luxury items in the stamps shop, and more ways to earn stamps! the rp inside the prison system needs to be fleshed out. I would love to have a character permanently in prison and RP prison, even prison gangs, befriending guards and so on but currently the only things to do is fight and rob people. Even if you mine for more stamps, if you are there for 30+ minutes you will probably get jumped or fight and if you go down, even if revived you will lose your pickaxe. The only way to get another pickaxe is to rob someone and so the cycle continues. Even as a crim you can feel that the guards have little power, they either lock everyone in cells which isnt very fun or put them in solitary which is actually super boring and non rp (not that its their fault) there just needs to be something else here! 

  16. +1 not to put anyone on blast but there does seem to be a prevalent issue with police noticing a firearm when they shouldnt due to sync issues or jut barley sticking out behind a bag. Would be nice to not have to carry a bag 24/7 if using a firearm and wanting to hide it as you can easily conceal a small firearm underneath clothing.

  17. +1 for refilling, maybe dont make it possible in places where drug tables are placed, or if you think people would pick the table up and place it back down, require a different tool (Fire extinguisher, Sprinker system) something to still make this possible. To be Fair chemical fires are often put out with things other than water as water can make it much worse. Same with vehicles.

  18. +1 saw a similar post in a different section, great idea IMO. Possibly should add Tug boats and make them very expensive but allow other players to rent them and they could hold a larger amount of fish. Tweak it just enough so that its not OP, but could allow longer fishing trips, in deep and different areas all over the city. Would also like to see a few of the Boat Fuel stations be viable businesses as currently they are as dead as a door nail, but could be super cool.

  19. +1 Police vehicles clearly accelerate way too fast and have too high of a top speed. A upgraded crown vic, ford explorer really is not even in the same room as Super car or race  car. maybe it the police drove more dodge chargers or something it would be understandable. If the police lose a criminal in a police chase it is rarely do the criminals car being faster on a straight away as the police vehicles in this city are almost supers. On top of the vehicles being unrealistically fast, the police have a myriad of tools at their disposal to assist them that criminals simply dont have. Blockades, Spikes, Helicopters, Multiple other vehicles with faster top speeds on realistic super cars or extremely capable off road vehicles. Not to mention the police usually having heavier weaponry and armour for the moment the chase is over. its understandable that the police would have blockades, spike strips, multiple vehicles, helicopters and a better arsenal than most criminals but to add 210 mile per hour pit maneuver in a crown vic on top of that is a little much. 

  20. Hi,

    Currently some very fun, immersive and cool bikes are pretty difficult to use or down right unridable. Bikes like the Bagger for instance, have the worst gas consumption and the smallest tank I have seen out of any vehicle which doesnt make a whole lot of sense. Yes, motorcycle gas tanks are small, however the engines use very little fuel. Many or even most motorcycles get 40-48 or more miles per gallon. With bikes like the nightblade and avarus are useable, but require you to stop at least once if not twice just going from the city up to paleto. Other than that, almost every bike is fragile, which is understandable and accurate. If you get hit by a car on a bike, it probably should really damage it or total it. However, if you use a bike and hit literally anything, even at segway speeds, you will do 200+ damage to the bike. breaking a wooden fence at one mile per hour, tapping a rock, a wooden post, anything does a ton of damage to the Avarus, nightblade, bagger and daemon. Just some minor suggestions, at least the fuel one would be a nice to see.

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