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Danny pound

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Posts posted by Danny pound

  1. On 4/12/2021 at 7:36 AM, strangur said:


    I feel as though it would be very immersive and add a lot of depth to faction gameplay for MCs to each have a custom biker cut like they do IRL. Not to take away from other gangs/groups, maybe they deserve custom clothing of some kind as well. Some have been here longer so i need not comment on other groups but I do feel as though it would be somewhat simple to add one or two custom clothing assets per MC, the faction would be responsible for creating their own stuff on the leather vest/jacket and submitting the correct kind of file (it is not that hard if they needed help the could contact me) Would be super immersive and be a big leg up compared to other places. Also every single leather/denim jacket is currently taken by other MCs, but i just think it would look very cool. I know other people have previously designed some custom assets for singleplayer or for fiveM. Thanks for reading!







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