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Posts posted by DericBrooks

  1. Thank you, and I appreciate such a quick reply.  Shadowplay is actually a great suggestion, didn't even think about that one. It sounds like the best way to respond is by holding others accountable so I will keep that in mind for future encounters and perhaps give that a try.  

    Hope to see you in Los Santos!

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  2. Hello there, sorry if I'm posting this in the wrong place.  I'll try to keep it short.  I just wanted to share my experience as a new player so far to Eclipse RP to give a bit of insight into what other New Players may be experiencing or have expressed experiencing IC.  I've been playing about 2 weeks now.

    My first day in the city I was killed right outside of the starting area by another new player no more than 15 minutes into my session.  I was learning the mechanics of the game (911, am I okay to call etc) and inevitably died.  After coming back to life, I ventured a little further away from the hospital and after about 60 seconds walking down the sidewalk, another New Player intentionally drove his bus off road onto the sidewalk to kill me.  (Unfortunately this seems to be a regular thing on the server).  He said he was sorry and would take my belongings to the hospital, looted me and then got back on the bus and drove away.  I know there are specific rules regarding New Players so this certainly surprised me not even being a few hours into my character.  I haven't recorded any of my gameplay and wasn't going to report people on my first day, so I just took a break from the game for a bit to reset.

    Eventually I earned enough money for a car and made the purchase.  It was an awesome experience and definitely felt rewarding.  Then my car bugged out during a server reset, I had to retrieve it through Mors - I went to the lot there, and immediately when it spawned, two players were waiting there, got in my car and stole it as I informed them I owned it and just submitted my claim.  The response was just some vulgar bs I won't include here but I'm sure you can imagine.  It ended up getting destroyed.  Since then my car has been stolen and destroyed probably 4 or 5 times while either doing job work or walking into a convenience store.  Obviously the costs add up quickly for a new player so it's been pretty difficult to stomach on some occasions.  Regardless I've been rolling with the punches.  I'm enjoying myself for the most part so far, and am looking forward to figuring more stuff out.  Just curious if anyone has any suggestions or opinions here and if recording my gameplay is the only way to potentially combat toxic/rule-breaking behavior.  


    Thanks for your time!


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