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Posts posted by GigiTheHost

  1. Date and time (provide timezone): 4/18/2021 10:30pm PST

    Character name: Cain Anderson

    Issue/bug you are reporting: Falling into ocean beneath buildings and dying

    Expected behavior:  Walking into a building and not falling through the floor and dying

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicatehttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z1t2us8rfNYLO9lxgu6E_ncoPSz_KzTu/view?usp=sharing
    This has begun to happen anytime I am entering a custom building that I have not been in previously, this time being Vespucci LSPD building. It doesnt load the floor asssets before anything else and will make me fall into the ocean. Last time an admin was available to save me, but this time a shark killed me. Enjoy that footage if you havent seen it yet.
    PS. the discord call was to someone who knows staff and to see if any could spare the time to get me

  2. 596b32e318.png

      April 18th, 2021

    It's been a little bit since I last wrote, but holy shit have things gone wild. Quick recap, Jasmine finished the office building and looks phenomenal, I got to shake hands with the Director of Business for Los Santos, I have more people than ever interested in Anderson MultiMedia, and oh yeah, I changed the entire company name. I have had my hands full at Los Santos Customs recently. Lot of people making this city worse than it looks by harassing girls and stealing cars from people. I've been getting better at cleaning up those situations. But hey, I said I would talk about Anderson MultiMedia next time I wrote, so I will.

    Anderson MultiMedia is the pipedream company that I am bringing to life. A better source of information for people in the city. Ads, company and business campaigns, entertainment, artists of all sorts. You name it, I want it. But the city hasn't approved me for my own website, so for now I just have to run everything through LifeInvader. Which sucks nuts, but hey, what can you do. I have two co-founders, a spunky red head who has more creativity in her finger than in my whole body, and my loving girlfriend who I just recently moved in with. Unofficial employee's of AMM include some people in high places, and that in of itself is blowing my mind. The office is amazing. Not big, but it gets the job done. Meeting area, two studios for production artists to create music, and a full bar serviced every night. What more could you ask for?

    I wasn't planning on writing again until I got my business registered and the licensing dealt with, but its been a week now and still no response from the government. I guess the Director of Business I met with is busier than I thought. I've just been hanging out around town more than working at LSC, just waiting for the registry to go through. Oh, and the Commissioner had me take a flatbed out to REDACTED and grab a mean-looking REDACTED. Even got a police escort back just to drop it off. That is when I met Xoza. The man behind Shadow Corporation. One of the guys at LSC apparently works for him, and told me that talking to Xoza could help out my business. So I spoke to him about it.

    He gave me his number and I sent him a few texts about what I was trying to do and wanting to hear him about with becoming a subsidiary under the company to help fuel it. That was two days ago. He said that I could speak to the Media Director and go from there and he never gave me a name or number to contact this person and discuss what I should do next. So now I am stuck. Waiting on a business registry while my expensive office rent goes on, waiting on a business registry to complete so I can wait even longer for the licensing, and waiting on Xoza to tell me who the hell I am supposed to talk to.

    At least I already have a nice suit. Once I figure out when I am supposed to talk to these guys, I will be ready. 

    Well, Me, did anything else happen? Some promotions at LSC, almost died a few times, what else is new? 

    Till next time, I guess. Hopefully I will be less stressed when I write. Maybe I will keep a small log of interesting events so I don't seem so scattered when I write.

  3. 9ebf8b75a7.jpgApril 11th, 2021

    Finally, an office. Somewhere to finally put myself together. It's been about 3 years since I last sat down and decided to write to myself. Probably one of the best things my therapist told me to do. Fucking city is so hectic, getting to this point almost felt like a pipe dream. Well, lets pickup where I last left off. I just got off the plane from my last deployment. Ears still ringing from the turbines. Found out I was getting put down as a recruiter for the last bits of my contract.

    The ringing never stopped.

    It wasn't long before the tinnitus became an issue. Couple appointments here and there, medically discharged just before I turned 23. The more I think about it, the more I realize how good I really had it before coming here to Los Santos. Paid by the government till I die, easy job at a gun shop, and an apartment just to myself. Easy life. But I just got bored. And that was my mistake. Next thing I know I get dropped off the bus stop to find two dead bodies in the road. I mean, the area is pretty shit, but that close to a police department? I thought one of them was alive, but I got close enough to see how blue he was. Thank god I don't have PTSD. I'm positive that would send someone down a spiral. 

    I guess I got to close to the body, though. Some gang asshats basically forced me in their car asking why I was leering over their dead friend. I told them I just got here, and that won me a punch to the face and my pockets stolen. I just got that phone too. Anyways, time flies by and I started making friends here and there. Actually got my car imported pretty fast, which surprised me. Around then, becoming a cop in this city started looking better and better. Pier covered with dickheads, the Paleto area just crawling with robberies and murders, like, what the fuck? It was around that time that I finally figured out what I wanted to do in this city. Like actually have a passion for. A media company. Weazel just spams my phone with texts about bullshit I don't care about and now here I am in my new office, typing away. Anderson Media will definitely become the media tyrant I want it to become. I even got a few events planned out for promoting myself. Next step, get the money. How? LSPD. That didn't go as planned however.

    Three times. Three fucking times I got denied by the LSPD. Granted, the last one was my fault, but fuck man, three god damned times. I was so pissed I flipped off half of the department and said fuck you to about three officers before storming out of there. I know it was my fault, but I just lost it. Chief of Police sent me a few emails after that, basically explaining that I was now banned from applying for the next 6 months. I started work at LSC a couple weeks before this, but still, it stung. 

    Since then, I dedicated almost all of my time to working at LSC. I even got a girlfriend during all this. I am lucky, but I have never been a relationship guy. I don't know what it is about her, but she has got me on her own leash. Met a girl named Jasmine, about a month prior to all of this, who is pretty much a God compared to most of the people in the city, and she has basically been a mentor going in to all of this. Cant thank her enough. Once I got enough saved, I paid the rent needed to get into this office. And with my two co-founders, we are going to make celebrities, run the best events, and just fucking make it in life, you know? I'll probably talk about the company more some other time. I got some stuff to do. 


    Take it easy, me.

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