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Posts posted by Icarus

  1. 1 minute ago, Herbo said:

    my only other question is why stop them from trolling, it's RP and there's plenty of people that do troll RP all the other time. Why limit them from RP just because they're doing something against the ideas of staff and the server ?

    If you're idea of going against the staff and server is being homophobic, maybe it's time to develop a bit of empathy.

    • Like 7
  2. 33 minutes ago, Herbo said:

    also if one of these happens, there is gonna be a good majority of people taking the piss out of it and trolling, I just doubt it'd actually work

    We had one last year and it went smoothly, staff are more than able to stop any trolls from doing anything too goofy before it happens :3 thanks for the concern though!

    • Like 4
  3. Agreed to an extent, if you have a group known for killing cops then yeah, making an IA seems odd.

    But in a lot of cases, crims aren't just a one-sided "shoot cops" group. Each character is different to that group and to force them to abide by this rule and essentially force them down the route of murder is silly. A lot of times the best way to get back at a cop IC is to catch them lacking and breaking protocol and using it against them. In a lot of cases, it makes sense to hinder a cops career ICly over killing them.

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  4. 7 minutes ago, Bala said:

    Someone mentioned doing essentially what we do now with the spawned civ vehicles and having random bodies spawn, so the coroners would always have some work to do.
    I think adding capabilities to LSEMS is a no brainer but I guess they didn't do that at the time as they didn't want EMS just taking all the work for themselves and EMS is there to help players as a primary role.

    Thing is, if you're on coroner duty and not handling a call, there can just be a random amount of time and then you specifically get a call about a spawned body, so it's essentially spawned specifically for you.

    Could add a bonus to the amount of stored bodies you have in your vehicle to encourage people to do the job for longer too.

    As well as adding them to the phone. Given our murder rate, everyone should have the coroners on speed dial 😄

    Add it so dead bodies spawn at some of the incident sites. A lot of these have very rough accidents like train wrecks and car crashes, would only make sense that there would be casualties. 

  5. Fine tuning this one a bit more.

    Player A drives into the car wash because they just did some off-roading and would like their vehicle cleaned. Player B is working the freelance job for the car wash employee. Player B tells Player A where to drive up to. Player A gets out of the vehicle and Player A naviagtes a WI menu to request the car wash and pay for the wash, Player A inputs the license plate of the vehicle they are requesting. Player B gets the notification and has to complete several tasks for the car wash to go through. Once done, Player A can drive out and enjoy their fresh-looking car. 

    Payment would be uniform and based on the car TYPE. Sedans and compacts would be relatively cheap, sports cars and super cars should be a bit more expensive (not 20k expensive but a bit more)

    Obviously, I know nothing about development and programming so take this with a grain of salt. 

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