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Posts posted by Trixgod

  1. 5 hours ago, EnemySpotted said:

    Seems to me, it could be just fair if police cars were left as in story mode, but with ability to upgrade transmission and engine. Pretty sure, they can reach near-maximum speeds without any vehicle stats tinkering. Especially if we're talking about FIB buffalos and rangers

    FIb buffalo is one of the slowest cars in PD 😉

  2. 2 hours ago, IAmTurtle said:

    You can replace the files in your normal GTA. Thats what a lot of people do in pd.

    is it possible for u too slide some files ? because i have tried many times by replacing but not worked. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, JakeInnit_ said:

    I believe the server already has mods for the EMS vehicles, you will see the police scout for example, is not in default GTA. They are apart of the servers files. 

    nah i mean like +( extra ) mods like i know there is already modded vehicles like the scout but i want mods similar or a bit different like from the topic i've sent cuz i seen in some not so long ago videos on 1.1 driving custom/modded ems vehicles some im asking if somebody has them.

  4. 3 hours ago, JakeInnit_ said:

    Currently rage doesn't have a great deal of support for 1.1 client side mods, and its unadvisable due to the fact that hitboxes etc will change for you and not others. 

    We have quite a lot of server side mods for EMS vehicles.

    could you send me some mods for ems vehicles ? 

  5. Hello i was looking at some yt videos and saw better looking PD , MD , DOC... and i was wondering is there some files that somebody could share and maybe a tutorial on how to do it i've tried following the old replacment cars heres the topic 

    But i was told by a couple people that it dont work anymore. 

    So if anyone would be good enough to share some file like for unmarked/marked PD cars i would be really happy.

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  6. 4 hours ago, vexanxd said:

    I searched around a bit and didn't see a suggestion for this. I think it would be nice to have some better weapon sounds added to the server. The default GTA ones are just kind of boring and don't have any oomf to them. I'll post a couple of good examples below. I'm not sure if the server is okay with using a public mod for server additions, but these 2 are the best examples I can find.



    you can add them yourself 

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