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Posts posted by Tits

  1. 1 hour ago, BraydenRush said:

    I understand the risk with cooking, but we can have drug tables in RV's and theres always the risk of someone breaking into your RV and taking the tables, because you're not allowed to park them in a NCZ. I just think if we can do do one we should be able to do another.

    What do you mean you cant park them in an NCZ if NCZs are full of those? 

  2. Hello Eclipse RP players. I think that something should be done about all the cars with stalled engines laying around in the city. Some of them can be even found after days in the same place. I don't really understand why people leave their cars like this after getting their engines damaged, but it's really getting messy. What i suggest is, maybe a seperate job should be added to impound vehicles that are just left there in the middle of the road, maybe a team of mechanics should do this, or maybe even police. Adding a couple of pictures just to show an example of what i mean. 





  3. Also in the panel menu it says thay it has -0% hp, so it was definitely destroyed. And when its destroyed it should be gone (atleast it says so when trying to buy a scrapyard vehicle). So im thinking that it is a bug and it should be deleted manually from my vehicle list by admins. 

  4. Hello, I know that there are some people with low-end pcs or laptops, maybe you could share your game settings? I am using acer laptop with gtx 960m, getting laggy sometimes in more crowded areas, tried different game settings but i was thinking maybe someone has found a jackpot and a decent settings for a low end PC and would like to share them? Thanks. 

  5. Date and time (provide timezone): 2021/03/03 08:27 GMT +1


    Character name: David Rawls


    Issue/bug you are reporting: I recently bought a vehicle from a scrapyard (Praire). It got destroyed so i shouldnt be able to have it anymore. I have no access to it, except that in panel and /stats it says that i have 3 vehicles instead of 2. Its been there for a few days, i tried making /report 2 several times but it didnt help so i thought i will try posting here. 


    Expected behavior:  Could you please just delete it. 


    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: 


    Vehicle license plate number*: TF3T1F4L

    • Like 1
  6. Topic says it all, this bug occurs when you buy a vehicle from a selling lot or just /vehsellback. When you park it somewhere and leave, it just climbs to 1 meter in altitude and stays there. If you park it in a garage and take it back, everything is okay. You can't drive it or anything, nothing helps except /report 2. Noone is answering my report so im kinda stuck with it. Happens the third time. 

  7. 5 minutes ago, ATV said:

    Please don't use negative words such as "stupid". I understand your frustration, this is why i'm expressing my concerns for the majority of players.

    I'm trying to be the speak of many! I understand your frustration, please don't become negative and loose the suggestion for me. Many of hours have probably gone into reworking the city outside of Los Santos. Appreciate someones hard work. However, I shall still proceed to push to see this removed. It's not necessary,

    Sorry for the negative expression, my mistake.

    • Like 1
  8. Hello. So I really disliked recent update which added those new trees all around the map. This made my fps drop by 50%, making the game pretty much unplayable. What I suggest is paying a little attention to the server performance, community is growing bigger everyday, reaching nearly half thousand of players in the evening. Some things should be taken care of in my opinion, maybe like letting one player to have only one vehicle spawned at a time could also be an idea. Please remove these trees, i hope i am not the only one thinking the same. Good luck and thank you. 

    • Like 2
  9. Thanks for your answer. Very strangly still no answer to /report 2, i am stranded in sandy shores right now, thought i could enter the hospital there. Not sure if it's not enterable or just i don't get any markers. Running all the way to tequi-la-las doesn't seem very doable. Guess i will have to wait until restart and it will fix the problem..

  10. Date and time (provide timezone): 23:40 UTC+2 and also few hours earlier.

    Character name: David_Rawls

    Issue/bug you are reporting: So few hours ago i was mining oil in the area when i had to log out for a moment, i hid my car in the back of the nearby building and logged out. When i logged back in, /showvehicles showed that my car was standing there but it wasn't. I thought that it got stolen, then i ran to the oil mining area to ask for a ride to LS. Noone was there. I did /report 2 but couple of times but noone answered. So i logged out and logged back in just now, and realised that my car still isn't there even /showvehicles showed that it's there. I called for a cab, text appeared that it has arrived and i should use G to get in, except that i didn't see the driver. I PM'ed him to ask if he saw me, he answered no. Then i ran back to the oil mining area, and again i see noone there even though it's usually crowded at this time. Point is, i can't see no people or vehicles, and also people can't see me. Can someone unglitch me somehow?

    Expected behavior:  Could you just please unbug me somehow.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: -

    Vehicle license plate number*: K7CQ58TM

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