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Jameson Micheals

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Posts posted by Jameson Micheals

  1. @Lupin

    ill try to show you later, all of us individually wear slightly different variations of suits. Some prefer the tradition black and white suits, while others like myself go into our own design (per instance I wear a blue jacket, black shirt, blue bow tie and khaki pants). The picture itself is outdated I highly recommend you cross reference while ic the next time you go in game to further understand and better equip the knowledge you are referencing

  2. @Lupin 

    it isn’t us being defensive rather than informing you. The rooks are a higher echelon crime organization that deals more with the wealthy, thus the wear of suits, and driving higher class vehicles are intertwined with how we operate. Furthermore, it is a part of our genre and suits in my personal opinion realistically matches the description of how we operate. 

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  3. The prince of south end Los Santos...


    I woke up and the trees didn’t speak to me this morning. It is different then usual, typically Alonzo (a palm tree) tries to convince me about the happenings within the city, while Jeremiah (also a palm tree) talks to me about who should die. I take my morning pills, and slowly get out of bed. On occasion I would still have in my bed the corpse of a hooker that refused to listen to the clouds with me to accompany and help aid my loneliness.  Brush my teeth, and get my nice shiny tailored blue and khaki suit, place the .50 in my carry holster and get ready to leave. 

    Afternoon timeframe I would get on the radio, call and see how everybody is doing, seeing how I am now officiated as a rook I have to be a lot more serious; I don’t think they want to talk to the clouds and trees with me. It kind of makes me sad because I feel I’m the only one that actually cares about their feelings. Oh, I forgot to call Olivia!! Dear god this psycho is gonna fucking tell me how I’m not shit again ahhh, I should’ve listened to Jeremiah how I could’ve killed her and saved myself the hassle. Ahhh I guess she’ll live another day. Oh shit I forgot to take my meds... I really hate how some of the clouds converse with me. I only want what’s best for them and here they are acting all forms of disrespectful. I don’t really understand why people think that I am crazy, I just listen. I prepare for business of the day, begin getting calls on weaponry sales, drug trafficking and the politics within the gangs. I sort out everything based off priority, and move along with my day.

    Evening comes quick after a long days of work. The real city begins waking up and the night sky begins to come out. I used my bay to beat Alonzo for a good hour because he was being vulgar with his words. I don’t appreciate how he always talks behind my back, thus have to prove a point with him. After work, I spent some time with Olivia and she tried to keep me sane... for the most part. I listened to one of my cloud friends Micah and Sharquisha on hitting Olivia maybe just once. It felt good up until she began chasing me down with a gun shooting at me. I felt bad for the round ricocheting and hitting Dommy, but better him than I. Well shit, I’m tired. My meds are slowly beginning to wear off so I might as well go home. Tell the boys I’ll catch them later, and try my best to steal a kiss from the miss. I get home, place my pistol on the night table, and go to my closet. Facing my mirror I begin undoing my bow tie, and undress into my Christmas elf styled onesie. I have yet to show Olivia it, I’m certain she’ll enjoy my onesie. I grab the corpse of my dead hooker and throw her onto the left side of the bed. My associates from the rooks don’t really like that I keep the body, but she talks to me when I’m lonely. I put the one photo I got from the gas station of Olivia and I up and close my eyes. 

    jameson is a high functioning psychopathic with dissociative disorder. He is able to maintain a normal persona, yet when the time comes suffers with hearing his inner voices and often times succumbs to his multiple personalities within himself.

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