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Posts posted by Blitzx

  1. 10 hours ago, alexalex303 said:

    The biggest difference with IRL is that you can not tackle someone in GTA. If someone is running on foot, the only way to stop them is either tasing them, or ramming them with a car. People also do not run out of breath in GTA, and can run forever.

    Until you add a tackle system, I do not think you can add a limit to taser usage and not make it incredibly powerful to run on foot from law enforcement.

    There is other rp servers that can tackle so it is able in GTA to add that mod 


    1 minute ago, kenichis said:

    I'll agree with this change if being tazed prevents someone from running or jumping for 1 minute. The amount of times people are tazed multiple times and simply run away after the short few seconds are up is stupidly high, and changing tazers to have limited shots will just lead to more people powergaming their escape.

    That's what im thinking it should be where the person falls to the ground and will be stalled for 1 minute but that could be another suggestion.

  3. There is a big issue I think with cops/doc officers having unlimited tazer shots. It's highly unrealistic to just keep shooting them I had looked it up and irl cops have said on threads that they sometimes hold 1 extra tazer carriage so I can see if they had 2 but it's really annoying when I make them miss and they can just keep shooting over and over and over. I know that some people with just refuse after being tazed after many times and still run which is unrealistic so I see the problem in having issues with people like that if they have been tazed twice and still keep running they can just make a forum report about it but this is RP it's made to be hyper realistic in the aspects of the game and this aspect is unrealistic being able to shot unlimited about of tazer shots at a person.

  4. On 12/5/2020 at 11:57 PM, IAmTurtle said:

    I dont think there should be working syncs due to the it gives some risk of leaving your house while cooking. as there is almost no risk right now. 


    But +1 to adding working water taps at md/pd/lsc/bayview

    It's not about risk irl if you were cooking drugs you would just fill your water in the sink and use it.

  5. I feel like a mayor would be cool for all 3 cities LS, Sandy, and Paleto it would make a cool aspect of laws in each city and they could legalize things and bring charges down depending on the city. But the laws would be voted on by the residents of each city choosing what laws should be changed and which ones should be implemented. But, there would be punishments or warns OOC for NonRP if they choose to change laws like everyone can have a AK running on the streets and killing people is allowed ETC.

  6. I think it would be nice to have a way to conceal a gun by buying a holster at a gun store or a convenience store. It's is annoying to just walk around with a gun and get jailed especially because there is no way to conceal the gun. Especially because you could get robbed at anytime and want to stay strapped and don't wanna leave it in the vehicle and get caught lacking. I think the price of the holster be somewhere from 1-2k. Just a suggestion I have thought of it would be nice if it was implicated into the game. 🙂

    • Upvote 2
  7. Reporting on-12/15/20

    Car Put on Sell- 12/11/20 ( I believe )

    Car Put up for- 30,000

    The car was a Prairie w/ a spoiler and was black. I had checked Mors and the impound incase it was just stolen and it is nowhere to be found. I have also done /showvehicles and no luck. My request is a 30000 refund to fulfill this bug. Thank You for your time.

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