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Posts posted by VioletVy

  1. Hello there, I was thinking that adding a Swat or Army faction could be interesting, now I know, some people will say "What's the point for the army?" Okay, so let me explain exactly my idea starting from the Swat team!
    The Swat Team would mostly be part of the LSPD, their headquarter will be in a different place, but they will have contanct with LSPD for more serious issues, in the game we have a "N.O.O.S.E." headquarter, that would be where the Swat Team will train etc... The mission for the swat team would be basically check building for drugs, so imagine you are a drug dealer, you get caught, the police interogates you, check your records etc, now the police would give a call to the swat team to check their residence, now that's a good exmaple for the swat team action...
    Other examples would be to breach through building that could potentially have some criminal activity, the swat team could work together with detectives to stop criminals, well basically imagine the swat team a part of the LSPD but more serious, for example a bank robbery, would need a swat team...

    For the army, well this will be more complicated, so the army usually go to war with other nation, but since we are not in war with other nations, some will say it's useless, but how many people here wanna roleplay as a soldier? I don't know, but I would def join the army, so here is my idea for an army faction!
    First of all the army faction will take care of convoys, basically imagine the trucker job, but you are in the army, and are transporting ammo and weapons, this would open gang an opportunity to get guns, now immagine that scenario, I think would be pretty fun rp, the army try to deliver guns for the LSPD, this is just an example, there could be more!!
    The army would have patrol that basically will work like LSPD car, except they would patrol the surrounding of the military station, the army obviously would be too powerfull if have access to tank and weaponized vehicles, so those would be off limit, can't use them in the city, I mean obviously you never see a tank being driven around like it's nothing, so the only thing the army would have access to is their car and truck, the military can also offer help to the LSPD when off duty, like, let's say a soldier is in the city and see a crime, they can decide if help the LSPD or not...
    Let's say there is someone RP as terrorist, and leave a bomb somewhere, the army would have a specialist take care of that, I believe these 2 new things would be much fun!! 

    • Confused 1
  2. 2 hours ago, Jbacon said:

    1. Interesting concept.

    2. Night clubs do hire body guards, this is not a scripted job but one that is player generated and already exists.

    3. When the casinos were open this was a job that occured but the owners haven't opened it back up in a while.

    4. This idea was batted around by PD a while ago, and was decided it wouldn't be a good idea as it would be considered vigilantism and people would abuse it and would just cause more issues for PD to deal with.

    5. Dont like this idea, you'd have players stealing planes, landing and crashing them all over the city.


    Isee, you have a good point tbh, but well for the 5th one, the stealing part can be prevented by making a sort of garage where only pilots can spawn vehicles, and only way to become a pilot is to obtain a pilot license, can make it in a way that if you hold a criminal record you can't obtain it, and maybe if someone crash an airplane they could have a fine, if by any chance a plane is stolen, there could be a GPS tracking that tells where the plane is, since in a realistic scenario you have operators checking each fly and they know the position of all planes

  3. Howdy, I just got some ideas for new jobs, here the list

    1: Maintenance service:
    This job basically take care of different part of los santos, like operator that could work as electrician in the electric central in Los Santos, the place is basically not too far from the casino, it's an area with all electric machine and stuffs, the job could be like repair fuses or fixing some electric pole around the map... or simply fix things that player breaks while driving lol
    2. Bodyguard for pub and clubs / general security service
    Basically in club you have the dude that check if you are in the list, and if not, you get kick out, could do the same here, some sort of security service that aren't cop, but basically take care of people that don't behave in pubs, like drunk or if there are people trying to fight, he would simply kick them out of the club, or have security services that guards  specific places, if for example the casino is open like in GTA online, they could have this security system
    3. (IF casino is open) Tabble attendant for all table games in the casino
    As title said, basically a player would give the cards to other player when playing blackjack or simply spin the wheel when playing the roulette
    4. Bounty Hunter: 
    This one would require LSPD to have a warrant system, which then player can check whenever someone have a warrant, but I believe if this job is added, should be a little bit restricted, like only those who have a gun license and have no record criminal and are not a cop can become a bounty hunter
    5. Pilot:
    Open North Yankton map or add Liberty City through mods, we could have a whole new city to explore, and here the pilot job would come in handy, have like a website where people can buy a ticket for a fly, then when enough people have got the ticket the airplane would take them to the city, or simply have a private jet for those who are richer, this would also open new opportunity and new jobs to a whole new city!!


    6. Train/Metro Operator:
    We got bus driver, why not have a metro/train operator as well? I mean it would make sense, even if it's not used often, it would be more realistic in my opinion, after all almost no one take the bus anyway, so adding a metro/train operator could make things interesting, I believe some player may even use it as could be cheaper than just have a taxi, obviously this is not meant to steal job from taxist, just a different way to move around the map, could have player pay a ticket to enter the metro, let's say the ticket cost 300$ 
    Only thing is that, it would need to change the train a bit, as right now, the train only transport commercial items, so if can add like sits inside the train like you have in the metro, it would work nicely

    7. Tourist Guide:
    Okay this might be a bit dumb but it's mostly for the RP scenario, since we are in Los Santos, we got movies, and one main thing Los Santos have in a realistic scenario it's a Tourist guide, the way it could work is that, new players get an offer where they can join with a tourist guide as he/she would explain everything on what they may find on the map, something like that, this would require a tourism organization though, as I wouldn't trust this job to any player, must be someone who knows the city very well


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