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Posts posted by Asuna.

  1. On 4/12/2022 at 5:53 AM, Bala said:

    I think the short answer to your question is yes, they are wanted.
    That being said, I can actually completely understand why you would question whether they are.

    To be real, ECRP doesn't do criminal very well anymore and hasn't for the past two years.
    I've spent hours and hours making suggestions and trying to offer advice to these man. Responded to threads like this. Pushed and pushed people making the decisions to make changes but nothing comes of it.

    I love the server but we're really poor at this criminal thing and for those that are interested, I'll explain why I think so.

    Staff Team

    • People are passionate about what they know and are involved in. Almost all of our head admins are cop role-players. Almost all of our Senior Admins are legal role-players. Almost all of our Administrators are legal role-players. A lot of our Senior Moderators are legal role-players. A lot all of our Moderators are legal role-players.
    • It's possible for people to have ideas and an interest in areas outside what they are involved in or enjoy but whether it's a case of time consuming or personal feelings towards the other side or whatever, it's easy for criminal stuff to get dismissed.
    • Criminal Roleplayers are in my view, woefully represented. You're not going to push things that don't benefit you personally, that's natural but if there's not enough people to do it for crims, then you don't get stuff pushed.


    • The way we approach violence in the server really doesn't help. There was a point in time last year where ECRP was legitimately becoming like The Sims. People that did make moves were catching warnings left, right and centre. 
      Some people call ECRP a Cops and Robbers server. It's not, it was a Cops and Civilians server.
      It has improved but it's still way off.
    • Criminals have to have the freedom to do criminal shit. Criminal shit in a GTA RP server means fighting, robbing and building a reputation for being the baddest. Everyone wants to be the hardest, the deepest, the roughest, the toughest. 
    • That doesn't mean it has to be a DM fest but you got to address the balance. 
      Think of it like a pan of water on a stove. You don't want it to boil and spill out onto the stove but you want that shit to be simmering.
    • Reality is, shit popping off brings everyone into the mix and gets people active again.


    • Burger Shot turned out to promote some actually good RP for civilians, Vending Machines are a nice touch but criminals NEED their content update so fucking badly.
    • I don't even consider the criminal update to be just for criminals. Do you know how many cops are sick to death of the same bank robberies over and over? It feels like so many long time players are just biding their time waiting for this update to drop.
    • It's a misconception too that criminals need a lot of shit adding, they don't. 
    • Get criminals out of apartment labs and cooking in the world again, in chop shops they set up and run themselves. BAM OVERNIGHT SENSATION.
    • Get criminals setting up their own chop shop that they run themselves. BAM ANOTHER ONE.
    • Add more locations to rob, even with the same script. WE'RE ON A ROLL.


    • It's a miserable experience for crims and it's selling a fantastic faction like DOC short by it being miserable for them too.
    • A poker table that no one uses because it's obsolete, digging for ore in the middle of a concrete prison yard, alt tabbing to watch netflix or beating the shit out of someone for no reason to pass the time is not a good experience.
    • Add the burger shot cooking to the prison.
      Allow crims inside DOC to play poker for a viable currency.
      Look at the many prison suggestion threads for other items.
    • If the prison was better, criminals would be less OOCly hostile towards cops for taking them there. 
    • "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime' is a BS attitude to have as well. Going to prison for a criminal is like being stuck at the impound all day for a cop. Miserable and counter productive. An RP server is supposed to provoke you into roleplay situations, which you then manifest, not encourage you to ALT-TAB. 

    Standard of Criminals

    • A symptom of the above issues is some of the poor quality factions that we have rolling around today. I'm not going to be toxic and name names or dig people out but with each passing wave of factions, the quality seems to drop and becomes about trying to exploit the meta and all about trying to fuck over/beef the cop factions because they are the only real challenge or they take getting arrested so personal.
    • The way criminals carry themselves at times is dead. You look at someone like Lola, who puts time and effort into her character and almost every action her character takes, makes fucking sense. None of this asking for badge numbers even though you don't want to make a complaint or whipping your phones out to record people for no reason. Maybe chatting shit based on how someone's voice doesn't match the character or jumping on cruisers or any of that dumb shit that makes no damn sense. I don't want to big people up too much but RPers like Lola fucking get what its supposed to be.
    • Some crims don't help themselves or their factions with some of the bias in their threads or suggestions. End of the day, I've been almost exclusively a cop on ECRP for three years but I put as much time/effort into improving shit for crims as anyone. Better criminals means a more enjoyable server for me to play on. I'm really not the only cop that feels that way either, i think a lot of us want/need criminals to be better supported and be more interesting to interact with as a result.

    There is a real, genuine disconnect between the different departments in the community. Staff are predominately legal role-players and think criminals should behave in a way that criminals either have little interest in or they are incapable of doing so in a meaningful way. Criminals get frustrated and pissed off because they don't feel they are taken seriously, so they fuck around or make "state of.." threads. Ultimately, we just go around in circles until the next thread.

    That being said, we live in hope x

    I'm gonna keep it a buck, this is probably the most well thought out answer I have ever seen on an ECRP forum thread. The balance currently swings in the favour of the legal but it is not too far gone to change the motion. I am a firm believer that public robberies with correct intent and escalation should be the first change added. It happens all the time realistically, this links back to the point of being the roughest and toughest. Risking jailtime to get one over on an opposing gang by having the bragging rights of robbing them no matter the location(disregarding NCZs ofcourse.) Even then I believe we should stray away from NCZs as it just limits criminal RP. Well constructed Riots at Mission Row, Breaking a gang leader out of DOC with AltRP perms. Swarming areas showing a heavy gang presence increasing the intimidation factor of Crim RP. These are a few details that are simply overlooked and are not possible with the current structure of NCZs. 

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  2. I hope this doesn't come off in a rude way as that isn't my intention at all, but for such a diverse character as Juan I thought with the whole PD riot, Juan would indulge himself in the chance of Alternate RP instead of reporting everybody because it made life a little harder IC. Maybe being able to use PDs extreme measures within SWAT to disperse a crowd could be fun and unique for everyone involved. People were having fun and doing something a little bit different at the expense of PD which was the entire point of the riot. When ICly there are a few glaring issues pointed out by the media, realistically riots(peaceful or not) will happen, but abandoning the chance to RP and keep it all IC really sucks because after watching the footage it seemed like a fun sense of RP. Again don't take this in a wrong way as I don't know what's happened beyond the footage but I just think sometimes there are better way to handle things than instantly get names for a forum report.

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  3. 4 hours ago, MrSilky said:

    Spot on. Some groups do great roleplay and plan, and those are the ones that prove to be successful. The lazy set-ups are the ones that meet dead-ends. Here is an example of what is possible with proper planning courtesy of the Irish:


    big up

  4. Gangs with rivalries barely ever try to sort out their disputes. Meaning the only RP they have is shooting each other. Maybe if you see a stranded member of an opposing gang have a conversation with them instead of immediately thinking rob and shoot. Creates a better atmosphere and respect among the community. Also if crims want more RP, what is stopping you from creating your own RP like Aztecas and Irish did. Robbing a jewellery store with a full plan and a lot of numbers. RP taking out the cameras and finding out info as to how many security operatives they will have, revise police patrol patterns to find out which time of day this would be best to attack. All of this is just 1 case of RP crims can do but they do not. Crims complain a lot about RP but have a play to win mentality, not speaking for all but I have noticed this over the time of me playing legal and crim.


    Host events for gangs to interact with each other:

    I know that Irish do this often with steamboat, they allow all gangs in to mingle and enjoy themselves as they value the RP as well as the shooting side of gang wars. There is nothing stopping you creating your own RP. If you have any questions about setting up some unique RP, /report 1 always works. 

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