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Paul Robson

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Posts posted by Paul Robson

  1. image.png.4f9fcb60ec3af70d7f5b68a9f45c4ca4.png


    The White Collar Collective


    Origins and Motivation:

    The White Collar Collective trace their roots back to working class areas in Los Santos

     in the late 1980's. The group was founded by a charismatic and strategic figure known as Paul Robson, who had grown up in one such poverty stricken place. Paul's life was marked by personal tragedy and injustice, which fuelled his resentment towards the establishment, particularly politicians and law enforcement.

    Paul believed that the politicians' dishonesty and incompetence were the root cause of the country's declining economic situation and social unrest. He saw first hand how their actions affected ordinary people, creating a sense of hopelessness and despair. Paul's grievances against the Police were also deeply personal, as he had been a victim of crime on multiple occasions, only to find that the Police were unable or unwilling to pursue his cases due to a lack of evidence against particularly powerful individuals in the community.

    Paul realised that due to corrupt officials and a poor economy, life was tough for normal, working class citizens



    Members have opportunities the climb ranks by getting noticed by our command team. The ranks are as follows;


    Command Team;

    The Boss

    Supervisor of Theft

    Supervisor of Drugs

    Supervisor of Intel


    Confirmed in Rank Members;

    Trusted White Collar



    Established Runner





    Determined to fight against the corruption and ineptitude that he saw as plaguing the country, Paul formed the White Collar Collective. The goal was to take matters into their own hands, creating their own opportunities and bending the rules in the process.


    Unique Element - makeshift face coverings

    The White Collar Collective adopted makeshift, cheaply made masks as their signature element as a nod to their origins as low income citizens, reminding each member of their roots. Members of the White Collar Collective can often be seen driving dark gray vehicles with neon yellow underglows.


    Recruitment and Members:

    The White Collar Collective havea unique approach to recruitment, primarily targeting individuals with "white collar" backgrounds who share their vision and motivation for change. They believe that by recruiting everyday working people, they can build a strong and dedicated force that truly understands the struggles faced by ordinary working class citizens and is more resistant to infiltration by law enforcement.

    Potential recruits are identified through a careful vetting process, focusing on individuals who have demonstrated their dissatisfaction with the status quo and have the necessary skills and experience to contribute effectively to the group's objectives. Occupations of gang members span a wide range of professions, including road workers, truck drivers, lumberjacks, electricians and office workers, amongst others. This diversity enables the White Collar Collective to draw upon a broad spectrum of talents and capabilities, ensuring that they are well equipped to tackle a wide range of challenges and obstacles.

    ((Players must have at least 20,000xp to join, provide good RP and be generally active))


    Fighting the rich and corrupted:

    The primary focus of the White Collar Collective is to expose and undermine the corrupt and powerful, weakening their activities in any way they can as members believe that they are responsible for the country's social and economic decline. While they engage in criminal activities to fund their operations, they also dedicate significant resources to gather intelligence on corrupt officials and powerful gangs, often conducting covert surveillance and often intrusive surveillance for intelligence building purposes.


    Criminal Activities:

    The White Collar Collective engage in a wide range of criminal activities to fund their operations and expand their influence in Los Santos. Their primary activities include the importation of illegal firearms, the manufacturing and distribution of drugs, and the orchestration of high-stakes burglaries and vehicle thefts. They do not rob or otherwise be violent to the poor or less fortunate.


    Initiation and Integration:

    Once identified, potential recruits undergo a rigorous initiation process, during which they must prove their loyalty, resourcefulness and commitment to the White Collar Collective's cause. This process includes a series of tests and challenges designed to assess their skills and dedication, as well as to reinforce the group's core values and principles

    Upon successfully completing the initiation process, new members are integrated into the group's various segments, responsible for overseeing a specific aspect of the organisation's operations. New members are paired with experienced members who serve as mentors, helping them to develop their skills and expertise while ensuring that they remain committed to the cause. They will begin their journey with The White Collars as an Associate.


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