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Posts posted by Packie_Gambino

  1. Issue Being Reported: Forum Name Change

    Date and Time of Issue (provide timezone): NA

    Your characters name: Packie_Gambino

    Other player(s) involved: NA

    Evidence and/or notes worth mentioning: Just wondering if there is anyway I could get my forum name changed to Packie_Gambino instead of WeepingMushroom?







    The first thing that the HEATHENS MC needed to do was make some connections with the other organizations in town.

    Their first move was to get in touch with the other MC's in town. The biggest one obviously being LOST MC.

    Haydn Simp met up with the SGT AT ARMS from the lost and set a meetup time.

    Shortly thereafter the HEATHENS and LOST met up at Stab City and made introductions.
    While nobody was looking for an alliance, it was good to know that the MC's could ride the same highways without bloodshed.



    [HEATHEN M.C. left 3.] [LOST M.C. right 4.]




    Other connections would still need to be made in the city. But it was a good first step.








    Some time passed before their next meeting. But as luck would have it,  THE LOST SANTOS M.C. was looking for the HEATHENS.

    VP Russell Walker ran into the SGT AT ARMS for the LSMC and gave him Packie's number.

    Packie got the call and they decided they would meet in Paleto Bay at Bayveiw auto.




    The HEATHENS got there first and discussed what a civilian group would want with a band of 1%ers. 

    It didn't matter though, because the heathens were out to make new friends regardless.

    Thats when the LSMC rolled up.




    HMC Followed LSMC to their clubhouse. The clubhouse was packed with hogs. That's the first time the HMC got a real scale of who they were meeting with. They were taken inside by Ava and other senior members of the LSMC. After grabbing a couple beers they sat down and made acquaintances. 



    They talked for a while about colors, goals and the city. The HEATHENS were surprised to find that there were police and sheriffs in the LSMC. But not at all concerned.  The room was nothing but respectful. After talking for a while the HEATHENS rolled out.



    To be continued...

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  3. Heathens-Patch-Rounded.png






    Heathens MC was believed to be founded by Danny "Sawgrass" Decker in 2013. It seems to have started as a way to change the traditions of your typical MC. They value their individuals. Not just the group as a whole. That being said, the club is important. They have been heard many times saying Family 1st, Job 2nd, Club 3rd. They have also been known to take outcasts from other biker gangs such as the Outlaws M.C. They seem to have primarily operated throughout the Midwest.




    New to the city, a few bikers in Los Santos got fed up with the senseless lowlife crime in the city and decided they needed to protect each other. So they decided to start a new branch of Heathen M.C.  Starting out small and clearly the underdogs. With plans to make themselves known in short time, they do not hide their affiliation. Founding members of the M.C. include Packie Gambino (PRESIDENT), Russell Walker (VICE PRESIDENT) and Haydn Simp (SGT AT ARMS). With a few prospects in mind they created their own patch, and started spreading their name.







    The final decision on M.C. matters. He should always be considering what's best for the club.



    Plays the role of giving support, and advice to the president. Also, standing in for the president when absent.



    Plays the role of keeping peace within the club. He is also the man who leads dangerous encounters, and provides the muscle.



    Plays the part of planning trips and prioritizing Issues at hand before presenting them to the Presidnt or VP.



    An official member of the M.C. They have proven themselves trustworthy and will be protected and cared for by any means.



    Somebody who shows potential but still needs to gain trust. They can help with activities. But will be expected to stay back during meetings.




    Establish a foothold in one of the San Andreas Regions outside of the city.

    Establish who is friend, neutral or enemy.

    Recruit new members and prospects. With the goal of still staying a humble size.

    Begin establishing our supply chain. (Weapons, drugs and equipment)

    Spread our name and gain recognition throughout the city.




    Blue denim jackets/vests are used to identify HEATHENS MC members.


    We do not wear masks in public unless we are on a job that requires hiding our identity.


    Black, white, blue and gray are standard colors. You can wear other colors but they must be minimal in your outfit.

    i.e. No neon green pants with a bright red jacket. 




    You will need to be riding a traditional bike such as a Zombie Bobber, Daemon, Hexer, Innovation or similar. 


    You will not be allowed to ride with the M.C. on a dirtbike or a streetbike such as the pcj, akuma or sanchez.


    You do not have to ride your motorcycle all of the time. You are free to drive whatever you want, unless you are riding with the M.C. or doing M.C. Work.


    If your bike is broken down or unavailable at the time of a job, you must ask one of the 4 leading members if you can bring a different vehicle.



    Bikes can be any color. It makes no difference.


    If you plan to drive a car/or truck on  a job it would be best if it was a shade of white/black/gray. and not bright colored.

    Bobber.png chimera.png Nightblade.png hexer.png



    1.) Family 1st, Job 2nd, Club 3rd.

    As a man, you should prioritize the people you love. Then you should prioritize your job, to support your life and family. The M.C. is there to provide help when it is needed.


    2.) Death is forever.

    Avoid putting yourself in a position to get killed. And only kill when it is necessary. 


    3.) Respect the patch.

    Show pride and dignity if you are a patched member. Every members attitude reflects the club as a whole. And be honest.  There is no respect in lying to your brothers.


    4.) Be your own person.

    The club exists as a tool for each member to benefit from. We help each other. So don't throw away your own personal beliefs to earn the respect of other members.


    5.) Women.

    You will not hit a woman (unless attacked). You will only kill a woman if under fire, or instructed to do so. And even if a woman is a member of an enemy faction you must treat her with a higher level of respect than her male counterparts. HOWEVER, women will not be patched into the gang. Ol' Ladys can be with the M.C. when not on a job or in a meeting.

    (Ol' Lady can be referred to as any woman that is highly trusted by a member of the M.C.)



    1.) Experience.

    No new player tags + minimum 10k server experience

    (Excluding Prospects)


    2.) You are a biker.

    You must play the part of a biker. The biker persona is important to the experience in this M.C. 


    3.) Bikers have bikes.

    You must own some sort of hog. (Hexer, Chimera, Zombie, Daemon, etc.)


    4.) Its Just a game.

    You will be respectful to other players. You can have a tough guy persona without wrecking their day.
    In the end this is a game, and we're all here to have fun. That being said, go raise hell.


    5.) Drama.

    Don't start drama with other gangs and drag the M.C. into it without asking the President first.

    If you start drama with another gang without prior permission the problem is yours to deal with. Its up to the individual members to decide if they would help you.


    6.) Language.

    You must be able to speak or write English.

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