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Posts posted by Chester213

  1. Hi!

    I'm sure most of the criminals have faced the situation in which you are injured in prison, and need to wait around 10 minutes to die and then start PMing guards to get your items back.

    I believe it should be fixed. My suggestion is to add drop off point in prison and allow DOC / PD / MD / SD to drop injured people there so they can spawn (same as hospital) without losing their items. Would make everything easier for us, the criminals and for DOC / PD / SD. Would make the whole situation more smooth and fun 🙂

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  2. Hello!

    Thought about something that would make everything easier for us.

    When someone is AFK, and he's about to get kicked (connection closed) it would be better if it just disconnected him to authentication so people won't need to re-open Rage (Basically the same as /logout). I know that you can login again through F1, but sometimes it's not working and it's just annoying and wastes time. 

  3. Massive +1 . It will bring a lot of joy to the server and simply whoever takes it out of the arenas will get punished. We are all adults here and we are responsible of our actions. If someone decides to break a rule, it's on him. We shouldn't prevent fun from players just cause people might do something.

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  4. -1

    It shouldn't be easy for PD to raid a 400-500k drug lab. It makes no sense RPly. Drug labs would be heavily guarded and secured with as many locks & doors as possible. Criminal world has its own hardships, and so PD should have. We can't just make everything easy for PD. We are speaking about players losing 400-500k when PD raids their property, it should take time.

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  5. It's really hard to get DM rights on an hostage and to be honest it doesn't make sense. You take an hostage so you can rob the bank, and you don't take an hostage so you can kill him later. Basically, it's just business, and mostly it's not personal but it can be. Therefore, as I see it, it doesn't need to require having DM rights on him. And in fact, usually when you have DM rights on someone he knows you, and you don't want the hostage to know your identity so he won't snitch to the PD about you. 

    To sum it up, you don't take an hostage with an intention to kill him, you take him so you can rob the bank. As I see it, having DM rights on hostage is nice, but shouldn't be must. As you don't want to hurt the hostage you just want to complete the bank.


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  6. Hey,

    A lot of us find themselves waiting 20-60 minutes at impound lot for a cop to arrive just so he can release your car.

    I believe it wastes a lot of time that can be used to RP or to anything else that actually involves us doing something. 

    We waste a lot of time waiting for PD to show up without knowing when it's going to happen. 

    I believe that for this problem there's an easy solution - NPC at impound lot.

    This NPC will look like an officer, and by aiming at him and pressing 'E' you will be able to release any of your vehicles. It will check all the stuff that a regular PD officer does.

    That way, we won't find ourselves waiting so much time at impound lot doing nothing but waiting for a cop to come 🙂

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