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Posts posted by LizardsLayLying

  1. Greetings,

    I was sorely disappointed in finding out there we no shipping jobs available after I had already rented a truck. If I may make a suggestion to somehow switch the two interactions around players could avoid the same disappointment I did. Perhaps if you got to look at what jobs were available, accept the job then if needed rent a truck to complete the delivery. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    C. Andrews. 

    Castle Cargo LLC 

  2. Greetings,

    Please allow myself to introduce..myself. I'm Castle Andrews and I am new to the PC Roleplay scene. Too many failed attempts at trying to get something going on console left me to build a new PC capable of running GTA. Several months of deliveries, getting the wrong parts and finally completing my machine I now find myself here looking forward to joining what I have heard other gamers talk about. I believe in the Tenants of the 3 Monkeys and the life philosophy of Karma. I am anticipating great (and bad) experiences here and I hope that what comes in future may forever be in my favor. 

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