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Posts posted by Augustus_Valentine

  1. transition2.png

    A Change of colours



    Kai called a meeting of the mob so that they could address something happening within the gang. Kai had some concerns with the amount of gangs running purple colours which usually resulted in confusion between different gangs and mistaken identity.  Being sick of having to explain which of the many purple gangs they were, the Southside Mob decided to make a change so that they could maintain an identity under a more unique appearance. One that would set them apart from the other gangs whilst still having a colour they liked. 



    The Mob discussed different colour options, and as everyone liked the colour of yellow, especially when mixed with black, they began looking for anyone else using the colour.  After discussing this with a few contacts, including leadership of the Aztecas in case it was anyone not operating fully inside the city, it appeared that only one gang was wearing yellow; a small, mostly unknown gang, but one that should not be any problem, and healthy opposition.



    Everyone then moved onto the clothing stores, taking a look at what their new colours would look like. The decision was made and they loved it.  The men grabbed yellow masks, and other assorted clothing which would soon become the new represented colours for the gang.  After sorting their colours, they moved onto fixing up their cars, bikes and vans.  With the new colours made and money spent, it was final. The new yellow colour, and a new chapter for the Southside Mob had begun.




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  2. 3Header3.thumb.png.dde2b25b42f8e1d67f5f2dd57cdbd0d1.png

     The Cusp of a storm


    Augustus, being new to Kai’s operation soon caught wind of talks between Kai and Murdablock. Wanting to know more – Augustus arranged to meet with Kai. They met that evening while a storm brewed overhead, Kai explained the current situation, the war and those involved – The entire conflict piqued Augustus’ interest.

    Augustus and Kai then went to grab something to eat – as they did the storm erupted, thunder, lightning and buckets of rain fell – but it did not bother them.


    As they stood outside of their cars, marvelling the light show in the sky, Augustus mentioned that he may have some good friends looking to join Kai’s cause – Augustus assured Kai they’re good people, from back home.

    Only time can tell when these new recruits may end up or what role they may end up playing in the Southside Mob’s story.



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  3. 3Header3.thumb.png.38b9d782cc4ace099e74a63709545f34.png

     The Arrival of Augustus Valentine


    Augustus Valentine was born and raised in London, England. He studied criminal Psychology at the University of London – where he first met his now long-standing friend, Kai DeVito. Augustus excelled in his work and found enjoyment in his studies – he was on his way to leave that place with a doctorate.

    While Kai completed his course and gained a degree, the same can not be said for Augustus. Part way through his third year of study, Augustus was arrested on campus after his DNA was found on site of a local bank heist. Augustus was detained and taken to court to stand  before a judge – he was found guilty and sentenced to 10 years imprisonment under the charge of a Low-Harm, High Culpability professionally planned robbery – This was due to his involvement in the planning and execution, but he was not found to have not been armed or to have committed any aggravated crimes during the heist.

    While in prison – Augustus asserted himself as a leader and began uniting smaller gangs to better organise the trade of contraband both inside and outside the prison walls. During his time here, he gained his unique tattoos.

    While serving his Sixth year – Augustus elected his closest associate to run his operation and used his contraband route to leave the prison in the passenger seat of a food supply van, driven by one of the guards involved in his smuggling operation.

    Augustus wasted no time – He forged a false identity and left England on the first flight he could. Upon arriving in the US, he was surprised to discover his old friend Kai had settled in Los Santos – Augustus made his way to the city and just couldn’t wait to tell Kai what he had been up to…

    After arriving in Los Santos – Augustus was pleased to hear of Kai’s new plans – He can’t wait to do his part for the Southside Mob.





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