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Posts posted by Why

  1. sePg82J.png

                                                                        ***PART 1 of 3***

                                                                      TO BE CONTINUED

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  2. +1 I spent a total of 3 hours yesterday waiting for mechanics to show with no end in sight. 3 mechanics online, none show the entire time. I believe ash has explained this extremely well when it comes to a fix. If a class could be offered, or only one kit could be used on a vehicle a day could save a lot of people precious RP time. Mechanics of course need their RP but situations do happen that lock people down for extended amounts of time waiting. Hope something comes from this as some people only have certain amounts of time to play. 

  3. Understandably, we used to be able to sell human meat. With certain peoples characters being cannibals, assassins, etc. I do understand it still has uses. But I do believe selling human should be a thing again as there is nothing else really to do with it if you do not eat it. 

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