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Posts posted by Osiris810


    I'm not posting this thread because I want some petty revenge. I'm posting this because I want this server to be better for everyone, especially new players. Don't get me wrong I love playing on this server but it desperately needs change. Feel free to disagree with me but if your not a new player then you really don't know what this is like. This thread has three sections covering what is wrong with the server, why these things are happening, and what can be done to fix the problem.

    *What makes this server so hostile to new players?*

    Not to be dramatic but new players are systematically oppressed on this server. It's actually quite impressive and realistic that this server has a poverty cycle. The first problem that this server has is a specific group of players that exploit new players. This isn't a report so I won't give any details about the group or provide evidence of their rule breaking. (There isn't evidence, you'll find out why later.) But I will describe what they are doing. First they hunt down new players and ask them if they want to buy a gun for 7k. They specifically ask for 7k because that is all of the money that a new player spawns with. Next they take the new player to a secluded area and if you are lucky they take your money without giving you anything and they leave. However, if you are unlucky this group will steal all of your clothes, your GPS, your food, literally everything you have, cut your hair and make you withdraw all of your money from an atm. If you haven't read the rules (like a lot of new players) you should know that every single part of this situation was against the rules. The new player is left with absolutely nothing and most likely quits, never to be seen again. Unfortunately this isn't everything that new players have to deal with. It is next to impossible for new players to meet experienced players that will help them learn the server. "Just ask any gang and they'll help you out." This is completely false. Most old players won't even talk to new players let alone recruit them. Instead they call the new players "numbers" and roast them for being poor. So if no one will help you become a criminal what do you do? Most likely you grind a mind-numbing legal job for hours until you realize you could just get a job in real life and quit the server. Or maybe you decide to get your own crew of other new players together to try and rob a convenience store with the single gun your group can afford. Maybe it will work at first until you get robbed right outside of the convince store for everything you have while the cops are on the way. If you get arrested you have to spend hours in a jail that has no rp and you can't go afk. Either way you're probably going to be trapped in the desert for an eternity because old players don't give new players rides, taxis don't come out that far, and all of the rentals are empty. Almost every situation a new player gets into is 1 step forward and 2 steps back. If you manage to raise enough money to buy a car and head to the low end market you will find cars like the warrener selling at 15k when the person selling it bought it for 10k at the dealership. So your not only making less money then old players but your also paying more for the things you need. Also tickets really only serve to drain money from new players. Old players know where to slow down and they know that they don't really have to pay the tickets but new players don't know and get hit with speed traps less then a second apart from each other. Since old players don't talk to new players they are forced to buy a gun legally so they have to pay the tickets to be able to protect themselves.  If you are a new player riding a motorcycle people will "accidentally" crash into you hoping that you will be injured so that they can take almost everything you own and ride off on your bike and ditch it on the other side of the map. I hope you can see how this server is hell for new players next I will go over the reasons why this stuff happens.

    *Why is this happening to new players?*

    Well its because they are new players. They haven't read the rules thoroughly so experienced players can easily take advantage of them. The new players trust that the situation was perfectly normal because they don't know any better. Additionally they don't know that they should be recording at all times for evidence. These two things mean that there is never any evidence of the rule breaking and the player will usually give up after that so, why should they bother? The people doing this get even wealthier while their victims are left with absolutely nothing. Do you ever wonder why there are so many bald people in their underwear running around? I kind of understand why the old players would want the new players to leave the server, this server is way too overcrowded. There isn't enough stuff for people to do besides grinding. Even the old players have ran out of stuff to do that is why they start fucking over new players out of "boredom". The gangs control all of the drug labs and chop shops, they rob players that are robbing convenience stores and they steal from players doing legal jobs. How are new players supposed to make money? There is a higher demand driving all the prices in the city up but new players have never made so little money in this server's history. Basically, new players get exploited without even realizing which is their fault but they really shouldn't be targeted in this way.

    *What should be done about it?*

    First, we need a new player to get evidence of the group's rule breaking so they can be permanently banned from the server. I doubt this will happen because like I said new players don't record game play or know that they were exploited. This server also needs a better rule quiz to make sure that new players know how to not be exploited minutes after joining. Players should have the GPS by default and they shouldn't be forced to shave their head or run around naked. The massive (( NEW PLAYER )) tag should be removed and instead new players shouldn't even be able to accept a frisk unless they have a weapon and even then they shouldn't be robbed for all their cash by a group that massively outnumbers them, and is probably worth 1000x what the new player is worth. Players that have been robbed shouldn't be able to be robbed again for 2 hours. Speed traps should be removed, we have police for a reason why don't they pull people over themselves, I drive by cops going 100 in an 80 zone while running a red light all the time and they do nothing about they just sit at the light. And more traffic stops would make for better rp like if you got pulled over while speeding and you had an inventory of drugs. If you work at a legal job long enough you should be given a raise and eventually a promotion where you do a variant of the job. This would give more incentive to work the extremely boring legal jobs. There also needs to be better transportation between the desert and the city. The drug system needs to rollback to when 1 weed would take a few seconds to make instead of 5 minutes  and there should be more drug lab locations available or at least make it so they can't be camped by massive gangs. Old players need to take new players more seriously, they make fun of new players for being inexperienced yet refuse to help them learn. I mean of course they'll be gone in less then a week because of they way they are treated. Maybe if you helped them out they would stick around and provide for some good rp. We need more moderators to compensate for the servers over population, most tickets go unanswered for a while because the current staff is overworked. There should be more apartments and the prices of apartments and cars should be controlled to plus or minus a percentage of the assets actual value. Hopefully these changes are put into action or at least considered because this sever is borderline unplayable for new players. Thanks for reading.

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