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Posts posted by agent69

  1. Date and time (provide timezone): 08/08/2021 6:00 Am, UTC

    Character name: Luka Rosselli

    Issue/bug you are reporting: UI of evidence locker, opens the same locker depending on where you stand, lockers are too close together resulting in items mix, a lot of people put legal in illegal. which later resulted in people not getting their items back as they were considered illegal evidence.

    Expected behavior:  Lockers should be further away, and each UI should open a different locker

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: always happens https://streamable.com/9s6i1z Donus is a gift. 

    Vehicle license plate number*:  N/A

  2. +1 
    I want to also highlight the way the game became. as most people run Reshade/ENB which allows them to make it as bright as daytime. Player who RP nights or have a bad PC that can't run Reshade/ENB find themselves at a disadvantage against those who basically use one slider to make it as bright as before if not even more. 
    This update has created a bad in pact and allowed an advance to be gained so easily while also being undetectable. Anything you have on top of the main game such as a filter would not show on a video and players can always say my screen is brighter and so on. 
    I really wish it would get improved or removed. 

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  3. I honestly cannot belive that there are no jewelry stores in the city my suggestion is having a few or even 1 that is also rob able by players however it would be way harder and requires alot of planing 
    that could lead to a lot of RP scenarios with the Police such as holding hostages ext.. 

    and the addition of the jewels such as expensive watches and rings necklaces instead of them just being at clothing stores 


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