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Posts posted by Stiffmeister

  1. Unwanted Vistors


    A typical Monday down at The Rusty Spear for the White Rose brokers. Danny was showing off a new Sultan Classic, making calls to sell a Jester. Perks had rolled up in a new Kuruma, and had taken Blagi and Gonzalo for a spin around the block. Damien and Emma turned up and introduced themselves to the other brokers. More Rising Sun's moving over from the sinking ship, which was beneficial for us. Once we'd got through all of the normal nonsense, we was down to business. It had been increasingly hard to gain access to Lysergic Acid of late, even with us branching out and making some new contacts in the way of the Ballas on Grove Street, and re-associating with the ever fluid Lost MC. Blagi was flying through his contact list, leaving voicemails at every opportunity. 



    A LSPD patrol vehicle had passed through on what we had assumed was a typical patrol route, but had stopped his vehicle to come and tell Blagi to take his mask off.. With Danny on site providing a couple of beers, he politely told the Officer that the property was privately owned, and whilst on the property, he had no problem with people wear masks, bandanas and alike. The Officer continued to make himself a nuisance before taking enough verbal abuse and continuing on his way.. Wilfred and Sean stopped by, casting out their fishing rods and catching some sun. Before long, the LSPD Officer had returned, this time with a friend, yet again, trying to enforce this mask problem that he felt required his persistence. This time he was met with a more annoyed group of brokers. We re-iterated our point of view of masks on private property. Bickering went back and forth before him and his "back up" who kept quiet throughout left with their tail between their legs for a second time..

    The same LSPD Officer had returned, for the 3rd time in an hour, and this time called what felt like everybody and anybody within the LSPD. This time, he targeted Majik who had pulled up to conduct some business, and was as ever, wearing his signature skull mask. Within minutes, there was 6 Patrol Cars, a Detective, and SWAT, in the pub car park, "investigating" Majik wearing his mask.



    The scene was laughable, the Gonzalo, Jack and Blagi, 3 beers in were finding the whole saga unbelievable, chuckling away to themselves whilst Danny gave them a taste of his law degree.. Finally, the Detective and LSPD Supervisor at the pub accepted that the land was privately owned by Danny and pulled his Officers away after whispering something to the original harrassing Officer.



    Danny smirked as they all loaded back into their cars, saying  "White Rose 1, LSPD 0"


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  2. I do not agree with that. Prison would become completely useless at this point.Many people who are now afraid of imprisonment would run around the city for no reason and commit crimes without hesitation. Imprisonment must be boring because this is the only way we will maintain fear and respect for prison. There are already too many reckless crimes on the server, and if we do it like you saud the number will only increase and ruin the game for heavy Rp players.

  3. I do not agree with that. Prison would become completely useless at this point.Many people who are now afraid of imprisonment would run around the city for no reason and commit crimes without hesitation. Imprisonment must be boring because this is the only way we will maintain fear and respect for prison. There are already too many reckless crimes on the server, and if we do it like you saud the number will only increase and ruin the game for heavy Rp players.

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