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Posts posted by Rumbunctious

  1. upload_2017-5-29_12-26-18.png



    He should also RP some fear for the sake of giving a good example. When a player sees faction members doing shit like this they'll think this really is a cops n robbers server. It's kinda funny how you don't RP such simple things while you were talking about rping details like having a type of camera..

    No, you don't have to, but to set a good example as a faction member you really should.


    You actually had a chance to have some good RP there. The robber looked like someone who would be happy to have some good RP by the way they typed. Instead you immediately pull a gun and start firing.


    Really wished people would RP better. It's pretty much faction members like you who show people that this is a cops and robbers server @Valdis6473

  2. Can you cite that random fact you pulled out of your brain?


    Have a look at this kid, might learn something ;)


    Next time don't get mad at someone memeing on a forum and say random shit you were wrong about.



    Facts hurt these people, don't try it, it's the same reason they're all mad I suggested mph should be implemented.

    Holy crap you two are so butthurt my own is starting to hurt. I hope you realize everyone who said "kmh or gtfo" were saying it in a joking matter.


    Also, I don't get why you're so riled up TheKanKin. I was going along with your meme and then you get all hostile? Holy crap, I'm used to most people here having a good humor.


    good day lmao, this thread are too toxic for my taste

  3. Yes.

    Community said Yes.

    The majority said no. I believe that's the sweet thing called democracy.

    You guys need to realise that the only countries in the world that matter are the US and the UK.

    You're funny, no one gives a shit about the UK and the US is a war mongering nation with one of the highest suicide rates in the world.


    In any case, this thread was about mph, and the majority said no

    • Upvote 2
  4. This has got to be one of the most useless suggestions... Most of the servers players use kmh irl... Also, the mph is written right below the kmh. You basically want to entirely remove kmh just because

    ...it's easier for me to work in Miles per hour.






    • Upvote 4
  5. I'll start, mine would have to be this one from Chakra Attack


    And you gotta enjoy every...last...bit of it! Are you enjoying it Cheryl?


    Yeah. I don't know about the Alien taking me to bed part though...


    You don't know because it hasn't happened yet. You don't know what that Alien got in his Alien pants.

  6. "Character Rules

    • Character names must be realistic, which means that they should be commonly used in the real world (national names are allowed as long as they are represented in the Latin alphabet). "

    There is a rule for it.

    My bad!

  7. I never thought this would be necessary on an RP server... But.. Can we get a name rule?

    I'm tired of people like


    Bluemind Gaming

    Standard Blondi


    and many more like that.


    They are not proper names and they should be forced to use proper names.

  8. An update to my previous messages on the board:


    While on a job for the Forelli's they betrayed me. They set me up to get arrested and I did. I would have gotten life in jail if it hadn't been for the officers who cut me a deal. I only spent a month in jail, and I have since testified against 15 members of the family in court. The Forelli's Los Santos operations are no more.


    ha, my friend my father put sonny and lance 2 m underground, he killed 11 man, and became the most powerful man in VIce City. You are the next member of forellis who is going next to Sonny, you and all your family and all your slaves are gonna be on a slab soon

    I would like to apologize. Even after working with them for many years, they betrayed me. I believe your father could tell a similar story.


    I heave learnt a lesson from this. I will be starting a legitimate business soon.


    Good day

  9. (( Well, I wasn't even referring to you, but seeing as you decided to jump on in, welcome aboard buddy! I don't feel like it was a waste of time. I was curious and thus I asked. I mean, you're so clearly an excellent roleplayer, so I shouldn't feel the need to explain this to you, but you understand an IC forum remains IC, and in most circumstances an in-character exchange of words is performed via an in-character platform of communitcation. Be it social networking, a phone call, or face to face. Fuck, unless there's some new form of telepathic communication that I missed out on.


    The tone of the communication makes me believe that it was a form of online communication. Simply because if you were face to face, one of you would likely rip the other's head off and, to be honest, I don't see either of you having the other person's phone number readily available.


    So, simply stated, mobsters don't hop on facebook to antagonize one another and discuss murders. Can't get any more simple that that. It's an observation and some constructive criticism. Take it with a grain of salt if you wish, or maybe think on it and learn something that might improve your roleplay. ))


    Alright, we're hanging up small notes on a noticeboard in Vinewood hills. There's a particular one I'm thinking about, but I can't remember the exact location. It's hidden a little so the general public won't see it unless they look for it. Criminals have a tendency to check the board for updates or meeting potential partners in crime. If anyone posts on the thread (noticeboard) who is not a criminal, well, I guess they were taking a walk and happened to notice the noticeboard anyway. The noticeboard states that anyone with a message to the community is welcome to pin a message. So I pinned the message. And every reply is a new note pinned under the prior.


    The guy who talked about his father killing people etc, he didn't give a name. So, it's simply an anonymous reply


    Thanks for the reply


  10. ha, my friend my father put sonny and lance 2 m underground, he killed 11 man, and became the most powerful man in VIce City. You are the next member of forellis who is going next to Sonny, you and all your family and all your slaves are gonna be on a slab soon

    Haha, you think Vice City was the family's only base of operations? You're delusional. When were you last in Venturas? We basically run the city. The entire government there is on the family's payroll. In a few years time you and your friends will be forced out of LS by our immense presence. Already now we are growing. And once we're done in LS, Vice City is next. And then your father will have some crimes to pay for.


    (( What kind of exchange is this? And on what platform? Because mobsters always post on the internet giving out info on murders and broadcasting their plans to murder. ))



    First of all, why did you think it was necessary wasting yours and my time asking this? Secondly, I did not give any information 'on murders', nor did I 'broadcast my plans to murder'. If you're talking about the guy above you, the only murders he mentioned were Lance's and Sonny's, you think the police wouldn't know about a huge shootout at a miami mansion and the casualties resulting from that? And on the small chance they didn't, you think Los Santos police would care about a murder in Vice City 40 years ago?


    I don't know, what platform is it? You tell me. All I know is, it's titled CHARACTER STORIES.

    Good day.



    • Upvote 1
  11. ((part of this is copied from introduction))


    Name is Robin Banks and I'm new in town, moved here from Las Venturas after 20 years serving as manager of Caligula's. Too much of a hassle running that shithole for the forelli's, so decided to come to LS and be a trucker. Once I've scraped a few dollars together I'll be looking to start a business for the Forellis, with who it should be said my ties are still very strong with. That's right, if you mess with me or my associates, you'll have the family on your bad side. And that my friend is a death sentence.


    If you're looking to join the best crime family in this country. Keep your eyes peeled. The Forelli Family will be hiring Soldato's in LS soon enough.


    See you around chump.

    • Upvote 1
  12. Thank you for sharing where you are chump. My ties lie with the Forreli's, and as we speak I am notifying them that the very son of Tommy Vercetti is residing in LS. Shame our closest base is in Venturas, but you better watch your back boy.

  13. Well, thought I'd stop by and say hello. Name is Robin Banks and I'm new in town, moved here from Las Venturas after a 20 years serving as manager of Caligula's. Too much of a hassle running that shithole for the forelli's, so decided to come to LS and be a trucker. Once I've scraped a few dollars together I'll be looking to start a business, backed by the Forellis, with whom it should be said my ties are still very strong with. That's right, don't mess with me or you'll have the mob on your bad side.


    See you around chump.

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