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Posts posted by Forest

  1. Another night in Los Santos for Murdablock. As they were checking the drug labs for possible victims, they ran into an new gang called the JackalsMurdablock obviously engaged on the gang and robbed a few of their members. It looks like the Jackals didn't enjoy the warm welcome from Murdablock because one of their members decided to open fire on Moddox later that day. Murdablock does not take targeted attacks lightly and one of their members ended up with a huge convoy behind him. After getting caught the man was taken to the Palmer-Taylor Power Station where he was held hostage. After some questioning, Murdablock found out that the hostage was actually the leader of the JackalsDwayne decided to offer him a deal because he's a nice person. Dwayne told him that if he calls the member that opened fire on Moddox to the power plants, he would spare the leader's life and promised him that his gang wouldn't face repercussions.



    As expected, the member was called down to the power plants. At his arrival, the man was placed under gunpoint and was forced to kneel down in front of Dwayne.



    Damarco was ordered by Dwayne to give scalp the man. As the man was on his knees begging for his life, Damarco began to scalp the man's head.



    But Damarco wasn't pleased by the results. He begged Dwayne to let him cut off his fingers, but Dwayne disallowed him. After minutes of begging, Dwayne broke and allowed Damarco to only cut off the man's pinky finger as a souvenir to remember Murdablock by in the future. Damarco couldn't wait any longer as he immediately started the operation on the man's pinky finger. The man was begging for mercy but Damarco wouldn't budge. After a successful operation, Damarco was satisfied, but Moddox wasn't. After all, that man opened fire on Moddox so he couldn't forgive him. Moddox swiftly grabbed his hatchet as he launched forward slamming the hatchet into the man's toe chopping it off. to end it off, Murdablock stripped the man naked and took his phone.



    They robbed him - They cut his finger - They chopped his toe - They stripped him naked - They took his phone - They left him in the middle of nowhere

    That man was abandoned with untreated injuries and nothing on him. Ultimately, he was left to die.


    Credits to Damarco for the pictures.

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