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Posts posted by Terryking

  1. 19 hours ago, ObviousChair said:

    what changes did they make?

    Longer cook times at static labs and mobile labs are boring sit in a house and cook for hours along with the insane start up price of mobile labs  table so no one uses static labs anymore other than to get plants.

  2. 21 hours ago, FatherOsborn said:

    Law Enforcement officers are already required to submit search warrants reviewed by their Chief and then one of the 4 Commissioners before they can raid a property (property as in business, house etc). The only other time they can raid a property is if they have probable cause, which is heavily enforced In Character. To be honest with you, I've not come across an Internal Affairs report in a very long time regarding an unlawful property search. I don't think we need OOC server rules around it, there's only a select few that can ram down doors out of all the members that the faction has. Deliberately ignoring the regulations put in place would violate the OOC corruption rules in PD/SD and most likely lead to the removal of said member. In the event of a massive loss due to abuse of power/commands, Senior Staff can always intervene and make sure items or monetary value are properly returned.

    The 911 call that is submitted is deliberately designed to inform both FD and Law Enforcement of an explosion, which should prompt the response of both departments. It's what we wanted to ensure a % chance of drug making being regulated by Law Enforcement when the new portable system was put into place, as we understood that a larger portion of our playerbase would be cooking drugs and making profit out of it. We wanted a risk factor to it. I understand this is not currently the case (in terms of a larger portion of the playerbase using it), but as I've understood it, faction leaders have been speaking with NBDY to give him ideas on how to improve the system. 

    I don't think it's healthy to limit what type of units can respond to a call, if a tactical unit happened to be nearby I don't see why they couldn't go and check the explosion out.

    Other than that, I cannot comment on the rest as I'm not too familiar with timers, % chances, or many of the other drug table features. 


    I was cooking on an island how would PD and FD even know about a fire on an island that is isolated lost 6 tables which cost me 60k system is screwed 

    • Upvote 3
  3. whenever I do get into a gunfight it always feels clunky and awkward this is because there is no way to take cover like in the normal game and people take bullets like its nothing head shots should kill you if you don't have some type of bullet proof helmet the police are like literal tanks with the body armor they have on if they do so i hope the way combat works can be changed to be more smooth 

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