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Posts posted by R0M4N

  1. furniture UI should show the functional of each piece of furniture if it actually does have a functionality.

    some of these furniture are just décor and you have no idea till you actually buy and deploy it back at your house.

    so my suggestion is very simple, place some information about chosen furniture like (capacity, functionality) in the furniture shop UI prior to buying it.

    thank you.

    • Like 2
  2. when you are a new players to the server still exploring everything you don't get much money to keep calling cabs that will charge you 200 per km which new/returning players can't afford.

    so what I am suggesting is, implementation of a public transportation method that charges less than a taxi, for example a bus from the freelance job but ran by an NPC.

    because honestly no one wants to get a bus driver job and even if they tried it, it's so boring so you are dying to finish your route and quit.

    maybe implement the subway train to make it easier for new players to move around to far places like the paleto farms which is far up the north.

    I don't have a clue if any of this can be implemented as I don't posses any rage development knowledge I am simply suggesting what I would love to see implemented.

  3. This is it.


    Starting bid: 700k



    Bid here or send your offers over at:

    Text: 3319052

    Email: ((♔R0M4N#2121))@eclipserp.net


    NO offers below 700k please.



    Stranger 9569_9511-1584379745789.png



    Stranger 9569_9511-1584379790863.png

    Stranger 9569_9511-1584379781458.png

    Location: (On the cursor).


  4. On 1/10/2020 at 9:03 PM, CallumMontie said:

    +1 overall, this would really assist flush out the current arrest system for criminals, pd and doc adding much more depth.

    I'd like to see some points added on how each side of the coins has direct interactions and the pros/cons for both, as this should not be a one sided system.

    Really impressive post.


  5. On 4/9/2019 at 8:51 PM, Kebab said:

    Huge +1 to this suggestion, we need to be more places to do activities like this and I feel it's the perfect place, on top of that you can fish there and people could host competitions for fishing there (since it's an NCZ it'll be safe etc.).


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