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Posts posted by Spaghetti187


    Rex Rogers


    Rex was raised by his mother and father in a middle class environment. His parents were wealthy, but most of their money went towards their alcohol and drug addictions. Rex knew his parents had a problem, but being 16 years old he decided it wasn't his place to intervene. Being dragged further and further from his parents each day put a lot of stress on Rex, he felt as if he didn't have a place in this world. His school was a wealthy one, with uniforms and the best teachers, a place where he did not fit in. Rex took mostly easy classes to get by with the day, and after school went to his favorite skate park for most of the night, as he was afraid of what might happen if he went home. One day, Rex decided to go home after his classes. His father and mother were both drunk and arguing very loudly. This upset Rex and he decided to intervene. His father didn't like this, and decided to hit Rex multiple times until he was face down on the kitchen floor. This made Rex realize that he was truly living in a modern day hell. Forced to run away from his home and school, Rex spent a year on his own, with very little to eat and very little to live for. Until he met a very mysterious man in a local restaurant one day, the man never said his name, but offered Rex an opportunity he could not pass up. The man told him of a place, where anyone could be what they wanted, and offered him a one way ticket, to the city of Los Santos.


    Building up his reputation

    When first greeted by the city of Los Santos, Rex found out that mining for the rare ores deep in the mountains could come out with a nice pay. He tried this many times, each time getting more and more boring for Rex. He met many people while deep in the mines, some offered to him a faster, more exciting way to make money, so he accepted. With his new acquaintances, he set out to make money by robbing stores and making drugs. Rex picked criminal life fast, he was a quick learner and he naturally took a leadership role in the operations. This gained Rex some respect from the solo criminals in the city. SlxNA7u.png

    First kill and prison time

    Rex was very good at not getting caught for the crimes he committed. He always had his BF400 ready to leave the drug labs and the stores he was robbing.RAL2D5F.pngBut Rex stumbled upon a new situation he had never experienced before. On his daily stroll through the city, Rex stumbled upon the foundry, in hopes of seeing some of his old buddies from when he first arrived in the city. Upon arriving he saw a miner on his knees, and a masked man holding a gun to his head. Rex, getting slight PTSD from intervening with situations that don't involve him, decided to help out the miner, because he was just trying to make money  like the rest of the city. Rex pulled in on his BF400 and ran at the robber with his gun drawn, Rex demanded the man put down the gun. The masked man turned around and started shooting at Rex. Natural instinct kicked in for Rex and after a slight scuffle, Rex came out on top. Slightly wounded and a little shook, Rex asked the miner if he was alright, but didn't get a chance to hear his response before hearing police sirens heading his way. Knowing he had an illegal firearm, Rex took off. After being caught by a police chase with 8 cruisers, Rex went to prison for the first time. Rex realized he was officially a criminal now, in the city of Los Santos. 


    The Next Chapter

    After being a solo criminal for quite some time, Rex decided he wanted to find a place that would accept him for who he is, a place to belong. Rex’s bank account was steady, he had already made connections to get weapons, he was ready for the next chapter in his criminal life. After being accepted into the Russian Mafia, and after a couple weeks of repping their colors, Rex knew that the Russians were not organized and would not be successful. hR1mJpr.png

    The Final Chapter

    Rex, still being in the Russian Mafia, met a guy who spoke of a group called the Rooks. After asking him a couple of questions, Rex knew the Rooks could be a better fit. Rex spoke to Albino and decided to officially part from the Russian Mafia, just to be recruited the very same day by the Rooks. Immediately Rex felt welcome by his fellow members of the Rooks, after getting dressed and getting his arm permanently scarred with the face of the Rooks, he felt at home. YxhuB3P.png





    To this day Rex Rogers is still out being the best criminal he can be. He has made strong bonds with his fellow Rooks. He has worked up the ranks to become an Enforcer of the rooks, and hopes to be promoted again soon. Rex wants to do the best he can for the family that took him in, and gave him a place to feel welcome, which is why Rex will rep the rooks colors till the day he dies.


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