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Posts posted by PabloEskeitbar

  1. This is a rant from a long time of playing eclipse so just allow the random topics as i feel like they are relevant. 


    I've played Eclipse for a year or so now and i see more and more how much more bias there are for official factions and the advantages they get over others. Now i think not any gang should be able to import weapons and mass buy black market items, but i think with the new system in place the smaller non official gangs should be able to hold the territories and gain access to maybe some lower tier weaponry , items or heavies at a more expensive price than what established gangs may get, just to level the playing field a little more between new young gangs and old gangs and large combinations of gangs like council, i feel with more opportunity for anyone to take it will help freshen up the city and people can do more.

    Also i think there is no consideration for other crim factions like street racers, and with the new crim mechanic i think players should be able to do some actions like engine swaps on cars, it'll allow for some funny moments with cars like warreners with an Rapid GT engine. Of course this may come at a decent price, maybe 25% of the stock car value to do that. This will encourage others to have a bit more fun and expand on their rp, maybe making sleeper builds, also being able to remove a number plate from a car would be nice too so that someone can mask their car from cameras and police if they are operating outside the law. And thats just one or two ideas for one group, there are a few groups that have no support but could be looked into to give people more branches and depth to go into for fun. Another group which ive always thought to be a fun idea is a terror cell that can operate against PD to try and cause anarchy in the server making the government and PD to work hard on turning the player base against the terror cell / cell's and to try and stop any or all terrorists / anarchists that they to sabotage the city. 

    Also getting rid of public robberies would be a nice improvement and would allow the crim faction to breathe a bit more, at the end of the day i do not want to be caught in a robbery and i want to weigh up my chances with the reward i may get with the danger of a police, gang or bystander seeing or intervening, also, i dont think the rules should dictate that by saying "In real life that area would be populated", because this isn't real life, its a game and while i know RP tries to make it a bit more real it should still be fun and hold onto aspects of being a game. In a general sense, please allow for criminals to operate more freely in their activities and dont determine in the rules how they should do things, as it starts to ruin rp. And to add to this string of rule changes i'd like i think report baiting should be a warn-able offence, as im fed up of robbing someone and facing in ooc "Reported, see you on forums" just to try and scare me to give their stuff back, its pathetic and something needs to be done about it.

    Finally this is a controversial opinion but i believe admins while most are not, some are bias towards their factions. And i'd like to see admins being unable to be any faction to avoid any temptation to protect their faction (This should apply across both characters), this point is more just a personal nag that i have but i think having a non bias admin team is what the server should aim for.

    crim rp is dieing and the route its on there wont be any criminals because they dont want to be reported or banned, unable to do anything interesting. instead they will prefer police / civilian jobs to avoid troubles.

    please add below shit your tired of xox

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