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Posts posted by Cadet

  1. I also mentioned this issue in a bug report, along with the same video below. but here I will offer some suggestions. 

    1. somehow make the tree loot spawn up higher so there's no chance for it to be stuck under the ground.

    2. remove chop-able trees on the hills, and add more out in the open on flatter ground.

    3. make it so you can access the new UI menu through the ground and/or anywhere on the items (ex. you can only access the menu on the log in the middle of the log, make it available on the ends too)

    4. random but maybe also make it so we can hold E to cut so were not spamming the key the whole time

    5. also random but either way, add more choppable trees to the lumber area!

    see the video for more explanation.


  2. Date and time (provide timezone): may/29/2020 1600 CST

    Character name: Ricky_Suave

    Issue/bug you are reporting: Lumberjacking. 

    Expected behavior:  same old issue with logs/branches being stuck under the ground, except now its even worse to deal with because of the new UI, you will barely ever be able to get all the loot. i explain further in the video.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: i talk about it and show it all in the video.

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  3. -1, IC. cus what happens when you're wearing a mask because you're robbing the store then? also it takes less than 30secs to do anything beside robbing the store anyways. let the PD handle stuff like this, not a script. because if anything, I'd feel like a script telling me I have to hurry up with my selection or take my mask off, ruins the experience. I'd much rather it be from a cop on patrol doing his job. sure you can argue that if it were a REAL store the owners would have you take it off, but its not a real store, it's not a player controlled cashier, and just doesn't make sense to have  this implemented into the game.

  4. 12 minutes ago, Trenix said:

    True, if you pass a toll road in RL nowadays, they'll take a screenshot of your license plate and will send a bill to your mail. Should work this way too, it's realistic and makes sense. We also need way more speed cams, even highways. Either remove speed limits or enforce them, otherwise it's just pointless.

    don't forget that although this is RP it is not real life and there's reasons why they don't have to be exactly the same. speed cams on highways like cmon what fun would that be... the cams are only there to keep too much VDM from happening in populated areas. let PD chase highway speeders.


    • NAY 1
  5. It's been a long time since I've done any RP content, I'm mainly on MW and Valorant now, but I started my channel with Arma RP and have always played GTARP on and off! I came to this server almost a year ago but didn't give it a good chance, now that I'm hooked and have been playing for about a week now, and with all the new players coming from Epic, I just thought I'd cover some of the very basics and give a few random tips that I wish I would've known without giving too much away! I just hope this can help some of you newer players 🙂 and I will definitely make some more Eclipse content in the future!

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  6. coming from arma RP as well (2k+ hours) I know what you mean. but having played GTARP for a few years now, you just learn that that's just how it is here. GTARP is way more about the RP. this server actually has a really nice balance between RP and action. there are some servers out there that I'm sure you'll enjoy if you're looking for barely any RP and more warzone/gang fighting, but if you truly enjoy actual RP then you'll want a server like this one or with tags that say [serious rp]

    most GTARP is just different compared to Arma. either you're into it or you're not.

  7. for a cheap 1g rent I would like to do 10-15k/mo ((week)), I just need somewhere I can stay for a while, preferably in the city until I can afford to buy a house. that being said, I am also open to doing a 2g rent to own if the price and property is right. show me what you got!

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