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Posts posted by Thadd

  1. Dontavious Jackson


    Rough Upbringing

    Dontavious Jackson was born to his father, Andre Jackson, and his mother, Tennessee Jackson, on July 14th, 1993. Dontavious had a rough upbringing. His father was not only abusive but a drunk. By the age of 12 Dontavious had been in six different schools. His father kept making the family pick up and move to hide his abusive behavior from the school and Tennessee's work place. At this point Dontavious was living about 15 minutes from the Strip in Las Venturas and going to a new school. However, school wasn't a safe spot for Dontavious either, and he was constantly picked on by his fellow classmates. 


    Dontavious's life began to slow down in Las Venturas as he had been there for about two years. However, his father was only getting worse and the constant bullying at school was only fueling the fire. On his first day in the ninth grade Dontavious was walking to his second period class when Timmy, one of Dontavious's bullies walked up to him and ask him how his day had been. Shocked by the question Dontavious said it was going pretty well. Timmy's response was not nearly as nice as Timmy sought to make Dontavious's first day a living nightmare. Timmy then responded by saying, "That's not good, lets fix that for you huh?" Confused Dontavious went to speak up when Timmy grabbed him by the straps of his backpack and pinned him against a locker. Timmy and everyone else laughed as Timmy attempted to shove Dontavious in a locker nearby. Luckily a teacher heard the commotion and stopped Timmy in his tracks. Except it was too late everybody already saw Dontavious and was laughing.


    From that first day in high school Dontavious started to show anger management problems in class and at home. Unfortunately with his father's abusive track record that did not sit well. One day Dontavious snapped back at his father and his father lost any semblance of control that he had. He started to whale on Dontavious when his mother stepped in.  His Father, not to pleased with his mother's intervention, acted out in anger and started to beat Dontavious's mother. She was screaming and kicking and Dontavious in a panic grabbed a knife from the kitchen and stabbed his father in the back. 


    Innocence Killer

    Although Dontavious had attempted to save his mother it was too late. His father was dead, but so was his mother. Dontavious fled from his home crying over what happened. As he ran down the street he bumped into someone and flew over. When he looked up he saw a kid laughing at him. It was Timmy, the school bully. Timmy began to tease Dontavious calling him a blind crying baby and laughing at him. At that point Dontavious already in shambles stood up to walk away, but Timmy grabbed Dontavious shoulder and turned him around. "Where do you think you're going, I'm not done with you yet." Dontavious snapped and threw a punch at Timmy, knocking him over. 


    Dontavious climb on top of Timmy and began to punch him in the face. He kept punching and punching until he finally got tired and looked down. Timmy had looked just like his mother had when his father beat her. Cold, lifeless with blood everywhere. Dontavious quickly scrambled to his feet before running down the block. He ducked into and alley way and began to cry again. Shortly after Dontavious was picked up by the police who arrested him. 


    Dontavious spent the next four years in a juvenile detention center for the murder of his classmate Timmy. The courts had found the killing of his father to be in defense of his mother although he was too late to save her. During his time in the Detention Center Dontavious spent much of it fighting other boys and making enemies. When he was finally released Dontavious ran into a man named Mark, who was in juvie with Dontavious. Dontavious and Mark had never gotten along. Mark was a year old then Dontavious and had been out for a year. He had joined a local street gang and when he saw Dontavious decided it was time he settled their beef once and for all. 


    Being many years later Dontavious wasn't the same kid he used to be. He was bigger, stronger and faster so when Mark pulled out a knife to attack Dontavious he was able to get hold of the knife and fought back. Later that day the police found Mark with six stab wounds in his stomach. Knowing he was not going back to jail Dontavious fled Las Venturas. 


    A New Beginning

    Dontavious eventually found himself in the city of Los Santos, still on the run from the Las Venturas police. Knowing he could never go back to the city he once called home he had to make a new life for himself. Dontavious wants to become successful in his new city and leave his life of the past behind him once and for all. 


    ((Please refrain from posting on the thread as I'd like it to remain clean and not a jumbled mess, all feedback is appreciated via pm or on my profile. Thank you.))

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