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Posts posted by dude24990

  1. 50 minutes ago, padpilot said:

    In no way does any part of this server replicate or imitate real life. This is a roleplay server, not a realism server. 

    So what kind of RP is this? Fantasy? Sci-Fi?  Every feature in the game is reflective of RL you goofy. It's literally a city-sim lite.


    50 minutes ago, padpilot said:

    Gameplay and roleplay take priority over realism, with immersion taking the next priority slot.

    Roleplaying as a hunter using your conceal carry sidearm on deer and moose.... In a good RP server that would be highly illegal and enforced by park rangers types of LEO. You probably haven't thought about anything like that since you think being a bus driver, delivering mail or being a police officer doesn't try to replicate real life 🤦‍♂️

  2. On 9/24/2019 at 6:05 PM, Jasmine said:

    Except this solution doesnt cut into cops v robbers rp, it makes it more prevalent. So not sure how your argument that "eclipse is missing its 80% civ population" to argue for a change that would hurt civ RP, and increase civs being "fed to criminals".

    I am not opposed to rifle and shotgun licenses for civilians, I am against changes that increase availability of heavies.

    You expect civilians to hunt game with knives and conceal carry handguns. That's failRP and it's baked into the meta.
    You're against the availability of "heavies" for law abiding citizens, for whatever reason.

  3. On 9/21/2019 at 9:18 AM, Jasmine said:

    1) You can hunt effectively with just a knife. Rifles arent required.

    That's called FailRp. You can't hunt large game with a knife. That would be against the rules.
    You need to proper caliber of bullet to hunt with integrity. Hunting with your Concealed carry weapon could also be considered FailRp.
    It's all in the aspect of framing. you wouldn't deny civs RP because it may cut into your cops v robbers fun, but you may and 
    that would explain why Eclipse is missing it's 80% civilian population, they get fed to criminals for loot.

  4. There's good reason to allow citizens access to heavier weaponry. Why should someone who works hard to maintain his legal status be at a disadvantage to criminals? In the US you're allowed to arm yourself in ways that put you on equal footing with your attackers and so forth, Gangs have the numbers, the arsenal, and the lack of moral obligation to pick on anyone they see fit. The stance that criminals are heavily armed is the actual reason why Law Abiding citizens should be able to purchase and own long barreled firearms.

    Otherwise, you're just purposely keeping Civilians nerfed, allowing gangs to rein over them, perpetuating the cops v robbers mentality that has blanketed over this RP server. If civilians can't even defend themselves, what's the point of being civilian? You're being pushed into being a criminal just to not get picked on, and for reasons I think are more revolving around the organizations of Santos's entitlement to be above the regular citizen, owning the market, keeping their firepower above that of the citizen.

    The musket is a must. Legally, and morally it's not appropriate to hunt game with a CCW firearm. Speaking through RP terms, it shows a lack of understanding of what a firearm is in the real world, it's effect and it's use as a tool. Offering the tools to criminals to attack at full capacity, but not civilians to defend in the same manner shows a lack of an attempt at balance in the server, between civilians and criminals, and that's just my outlook on it.

  5. 23 minutes ago, DetectiveStone said:

    Big -1 from me


    Coming from a criminal standpoint I find it very unfair to all the Official Factions that had to work to be able to import weapons like shotguns. Hunting rifles are indeed sold at basically any super store in the U.S., i.e. Walmart, but in terms of the server I strongly believe that would have a negative impact on the Quality of Life. Even if licensed legal individual could purchase them, it would be still be abused and more likely than not, result in terrible change in the Criminal vs. PD that tends to bring out that type of weaponry. 

    Civilians in this server should not be able to purchase shotguns. The ability to have a legal shotgun would make the job for PD/SD more difficult, imagine trying to find out whether it's use for Hunting or criminal activities, there'd be no way of knowing their intention.


    Even if this were to be implemented, you basically put Civilians on the same weaponized level as PD, SD, and major gangs, at that point, it would only be fair if the arsenal that the Official Factions import from gets expanded as well.

    An impact on your quality of life you mean? If you were neutral on the matter you would not worry about law abiding citizens owning firearms.
    You're a criminal, belonging to an organization or a gang. You want people to go through you for their firearms. Some people though are not criminals and want to obtain their firearms legally, and live that non criminal lifestyle. A rifle or a shotgun does not require the owner to hold a CCW license. It can be bought granted no felonies on record. How many regular citizens have a felony on their record? Your claim on this playing to criminal v police mentality is not applicable.

  6. It makes sense. Hunting rifles and shotguns are not concealable and are not necessarily made for home defense. That's why you can buy them at Walmarts.
    People will say it will cause RP issues. The RP issue is not allowing people to buy/own these weapons when they're more used for recreation than any sort of crime.
    You make a mistake in your OP, it does not encourage criminals, what encourages criminals is having monopoly on gun market @post above.

    • Upvote 1
  7. This is much needed from a civilian, gang and law enforcement perspective. It's so important that gangs have something to fight for, against each other.
    RP is #1 but controlled action is needed too or else people get bored. Why hang around the bank when you can post up in the hood?

  8. I actually like the economy, nothing seems out of reach.
    Lots of things to do, especially as a law-abiding citizen which is nice.
    So far I have little issue with the economy on this server.

    • Upvote 2
  9. That would be cool, as a new player I am kind of at a lost on goals to shoot for.
    I have a car but no property, all I see myself being able to do is grind out drugs or one of the other jobs until I hit 500k
    I don't anything to really put money into to develop my character, maybe I'm just not looking in the right place.


    • Like 1
  10. 2 hours ago, Aldarine said:

    To those that don't fully understand the issue, let me give you an example of what happened on one of my last adventures into the city:

    I wake up from a long night's sleep in my apartment and decide I want to change my outfit. I head on over to the clothing store and begin to pick something new. I'm catcalled 2 times during my walk and then at the clothing store I'm approached by a man who says hello. After responding back via VOIP, I'm surrounded by 3 men, crouching, and walking around me calling me a whore, slut, and a prostitute. I ignore these comments and continue picking out my outfit. After wishing them a good day and walking away, a gun is pointed at me and I'm told to stop moving. They continue to pester me until they had enough and run off. Following this, I go to the parking lot to get my motorcycle. I'm stopped in the middle of walking by somebody who decides to ask me to suck him off. I keep walking and finally get on my bike. I go on over to the bank to get my salary. After exiting the bank and having a nice chat with a few people at the bank, I'm interrupted by somebody who says "let me take you into the alley and show you what a real man is capable of." I'm then followed to my bike and surrounded by a group of guys propositioning me for sex, calling me every single name in the book, and spitting at my feet. I'm finally able to leave to go to work as a medic. My first call of the day is a man injured with a broken leg. I am providing care and talking with my patient when a 4 seater pulls up and catcalls me. They continue to drive back and forth, one even getting out of the car and making crude comments during my medical treatment. After loading my patient into the ambulance and driving off, the same vehicle of men follow me back to Central MD, shouting obscene things through the window.

    Well that's just not okay. This is what I would like to see.

    -Make a rule disallowing all Sexual Assault style RP, and the motivation of forceful sex as a means of RP.
    -Higher enforcement (and reporting) of sexual harassment. Cops, you should be enforcing the laws and take these reports seriously.
    -A sex offenders list, those proved of sexual misconduct should be put on a list and treated with the same prejudice they've shown against members of the opposite sex.
    -The calling out and shaming of people verbally assaulting others, disturbing the peace, sexual vulgarity as "funny" or entertaining.

    Most of the examples you provide are not just words, many of them have the threat of action behind them that can seriously effect someone's time in game.
    There needs to be more enforcement of the rules, additions to the rules and we as a community need to shame and punish those who target others in such a way, severely

    • Like 1
  11. 5 minutes ago, Reckless311 said:

     Letting others keep you out of an area that you can have some interesting rp kind of sucks.  Now you have to alter your behaviour because of others.  It just doesn't seem right or fair.  I'd love to see an ignore option, because some people are never going to learn until staff bans them after enough reports.  You see the dilemma with that solution, right?

    The ignore option is you ignoring the person talking shit. We don't need a feature for this do we? You can go where you want no one is forcing you to interact with them.

  12. You don't have to give these people any attention or pay them any mind. You could show them a healthy level of contempt, low life thugs are just that, low life thugs.
    Maybe consider that the people harassing you in game are inept, impotent and possibly lacking something in the real life that they feel the need to dominate over you?
    Honestly look at what these dudes say plainly, I bet it comes from a place of insecurity. No need to feel that of yourself. Seriously, say nothing and let them hear themselves.
    If it comes to it, the one thing that makes men and women equal is a gun. Don't let anyone impose themselves on you without good intentions. Men compete, women select. Find good company. That's all I can say.

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