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Posts posted by FlyingBrains

  1. thanks for all of your responses. valid points all round. i guess i was just concerned that for my TZ  (GMT) it seems quite PD heavy and i didn't want to compound the high presence and ruin the game for others banking on PD being on the other side of town not just lurking around the corner.

    The point of alts came up and i guess i'm still quite new to LS so I'm still trying to establish myself. if that means i go full time in PD it sounds like that would be useful to the organization anyway.

    Thanks for your comments. i appreciate the time you've taken to respond

  2. Hey guys and girls,

    i'm fairly new here but i was just wondering if there is any data on average player employment activity. by that i mean, of the people that logon, what is the percentage of EMT, PD, LSC etc

    I'm looking to get more involved but it would be interesting to know what the ecosystem is like balance wise. No one wants 40% of the active server to be PD for example. catching crims would be too easy especially as there are major hotspots of crime.

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