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Posts posted by Pecho

  1. Let me first paint you a picture here for a second so you understand where this is coming from in case you haven't been driving across Blaine county:

    A beautiful day, I take a bus driving job on the new route across the county. Driving along the freeway I spot 5-6 busses in front of me. "Boy it sure is busy around here" -I think to myself as I keep on driving behind them along the GPS dictated route to the next stop. But as I get closer to the other bus drivers on the freeway heading down to the farm stop past the tunnel, I notice they are acting a bit off, first they started driving next to each other on all 3 lanes, including the stopping lane, ramming and pitting into each other causing them to bounce from guardrail to guardrail. Total mayhem ensued by the point where turning was necessary for the bus stop. Crashing into each other and spinning along the freeway, two of them stalled while the rest was fighting a battle royale to be the first on the stop, only to crash while illegally reversing into the freeway, and other buses behind them. I took it slow to avoid accidental collisions and moved along behind the few that were still capable of driving. A bit down the road the remaining reckless drivers that were still able to get their buses to keep going kept ramming all the way past DOC along route 68, it was at that moment that out of nowhere, from the desert on my right (which would be north), one of those money delivery trucks ramps up to the edge of the road and flies across it at full speed. His rear door opened and flapping as it took liftoff and good 3 seconds of air time before crashing down and carrying on towards the general direction of DOC, completely off road and without any common sense.

    Anyway this is just an example of one of the more extreme events that happened during my bus driving time up in Paleto. There were buses drifting down hills, driving in opposite directions on the freeway, ramming each other into the tool booths, all sorts of crazy things.


    Finally to the suggestion part of this little rant; I simply suggest that all the jobs that require driving job related vehicles that are subjected to groundless reckless driving, especially by new players, have their salary adjusted to the condition of the vehicle upon the finished delivery/route. So if the vehicle is at 100% they get a little bonus for safe driving, and if the vehicle is damaged, they get penalties on the paycheck. It should be adjusted in such way that they can't earn negative pay, although realistically that would make sense, for if a bus driver crashes and wrecks his bus, it would take a little bit of work to pay off the damage he has done. But even so, that would then make people want to grief others by making them damage their vehicles one way or another so they would lose money. So to avoid unfun the absolute minimum one would earn from a delivery should be $0.


    This is just a rough suggestion to give more of an incentive for people to actually drive properly and not like they are playing a game with no consequences, at least while on jobs for which that makes sense. Feedback is welcome. I am posting this here as was suggested by a moderator that contacted me while I complained about a group of ramming busses racing with each other while doing their bus driver jobs.

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