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Posts posted by ish

  1. 50 minutes ago, Wizzidy said:

    Please understand that the fact that the door is even still open is a miracle with the twitch rush...

    Fair enough, thanks for the insight and sharing your outlook! You do provide some valid points I haven't considered so I might have to reassess my opinion on the matter.
    Either way, i wish you'll a nice evening. I'm gonna go grab a cold one!

  2. 5 hours ago, Stealthoneill said:

    Handwritten answers indicate a level of maturity from a player.

    Assuming the person is a native English speaker. If not, the whole indication can give a false perspective.


    3 hours ago, Wizzidy said:

    II see a lot of different things and take into account a lot of different variables to make sure the kind of people we see on the server are going to contribute to a healthy role play system.


    The huge rush of applications totally drowned the team at first but as they added more of us to the team we are really getting through them quick. Please trust us to do a good job and know that there is a good reason it takes so long.

    Out of interest, what are these variables?
    Also, without the intention of disregarding the hard work of the team, 3 weeks+ waiting times are not fast for a server you don't know but are interested in.

    Assuming some don't pass in one go, you're asking people to invest multiple weeks(months).

    Either way, I'm already loving the community so far. Beeing able to have a mature discussion regarding a topic on a forum is a rarity in itself.

    Thanks for the contribution so far everyone!


    [Edit] This just popped up in my head but consider this:  Due to the waiting time beeing several weeks in some cases, some players prolly won't even wait if they get accepted or not. Resulting in alot of work, time and effort in basicly ghost applications.

  3. Great idea to be honest. The staff won't be burdened by getting more applications then they can handle a day. People won't have to wait a month to join, and it clears more staff time for more important stuff like in-game monitoring or other issues.

    As for the fact people are afraid the quality of roleplay will get effected it could be safeguarded by a simple 3 strike system. If a <New Player> does to much things that are considered bad RP you can just let them re-do the application.

    Bad RP? > warning > no effect > reapply(if it were minor offences).

    This is enough of an annoyance to think before you act.

    As for the fear of the test becoming worthless because it's online. This can be easily avoided by making questions state situations instead of asking something like: What's metagaming.

    For instance:

    Less good question:   What is deathmatching

    Great question: Somebody sneaks up behind you and without saying anything shoots you through the head.
    Whats wrong with this scenario?


    If you are trying to look up answer online it is easy when it's just a phrase but to get the correct answer when presented with a scenario requires understanding of the rule in question.


  4. Issue Being Reported: Account verification issue.

    Date and Time of Issue (provide timezone): 09:46   // 17-04-2019

    Your characters name: Ish Dutch

    Other player(s) involved: N/A

    Evidence and/or notes worth mentioning: Can't login


    I'm trying to get some more information regarding the authentication process. I've applied quite some time ago but haven't been whitelisted yet.
    What I was wondering is this: Did i get denied and is it not showing? When I log in it it says it still needs to be reviewed but considering the time I thought it might have been a bug.

    Anyways, thanks for taking the time and effort to read this.
    Looking forward to possibly play here!





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