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Posts posted by Maddog97

  1. 2 hours ago, F8LEY said:

    I dont know why you are assuming i go round robbing shooting and killing people or that i cannot afford to pay a ticket? Don't know where you got that information from, is it possible to have an opinion on something that doesnt relate to me? I understand maybe moving the max sentence up, 4-5 hours, but i.feel unlimited jail time possibilities to be a bit silly.

    I agree with what you say about slowing down for tickets, but if this is an rp.server, if im driving a stolen car over the limit i get hit with the charge which isnt realistic at all, also, the cameras are invisible, make them visible at least on the map.

    I am not a person who goes around robbing civs at clothes stores and i am too like most heavily against that as its not very RP,

    What do you think to the other points ive made about map and gps? 

    I agree IRL you avoid prison at all costs as a criminal, you don't speed in order to avoid tickets, however the amount of tickets ive received due to desync, my speed limiter not working or being in someone elses car needs fixing asap.

    Fully agree with this and your first post.

    They should focus purely on the issues they have within the servers script.

    That guy who replied to you is genuinely trying to knock your points with the usual comments, “don’t like it go somewhere else” and I can’t agree with him, GRAND THEFT AUTO is a game purely based on criminal activity, the admins seem to be making it more for the everyday working person, I like some parts of the update, activities in prison, gun recoil, wire transferring.

    The unlimited jail time and removing AFK in jail isn’t exactly what the server needed because nobody will ever finish their sentences, who’s going to sit for 24 hours at a PC irl to run their sentence down.

    That action bar for locking, unlocking, entering etc. Is stupid, I hate it with a passion, takes me 2 seconds IRL to unlock my front door and my car unlocks instantly, the map and GPS is another money sink just like food and drink, although food and drink had a point, smart phones have GPS and Maps, you wouldn’t buy a Map and read it driving 200mph on a highway would you.

    I agree with Foley and he makes some very valid points


    • Like 1
  2. Now that we have the new hunger/thirst system. I believe we should not only be able to hunt but also to fish as a source of food, it's realistic and it fits right into the context of survival.
    Shops are upping prices on food and drink so it's becoming very costly to live, it'll be easier to just allow us to fish/hunt our own food and maybe even purify our own water with empty bottles from the ocean!

    • Upvote 1
  3. 58 minutes ago, Wizzidy said:

    Why should it be split up haha, thats not how wills work, and its not how real life works... if we strive for realism a person can will their money to anyone... or anything... or any organization... now if we are just talking about game balance I would say pay a heavy cost or wipe assets, but they better not implement this until something about criminal records is done. PD has denied me a weapons license based on "name change without a CK is not acceptable for removal of criminal charges" then meta game denied me based on that.... so sorry nobody is going to go for wipe all your assets on CK to remove charges no matter how small or ancient.... if there is a system for handling criminal records, fine, but until then a hard no on CK asset wiping.

    I know they could, I'm not saying that, I'm basically saying it shouldn't be allowed to just pass it onto your next created character.. It should be divided equally either between your gang and your new character, or friends? And if we're going realistic, the government tax wills so you'd lose part of your asset anyway?
    I think you have a valid point about the Criminal Record system, it stays there forever on this game when it should be like a 4 month (4 week IRL) period of no crime and your slate gets wiped dependent on the crime. Can't exactly expect Murder or Kidnapping to be wiped off your record can you? That would never happen in real life, so if we're discussing IRL, at least stick to the script of real life stuff, Murder never goes from your record, Kidnapping never does, Armed Robbery never does. So it's kinda realistic in a way. 
    I get your point though to some extent.

  4. 20 hours ago, Wizzidy said:

    So what you are saying is write a will... you all act like death deletes money from the real world, it does not... and for many people death is profitable... and again I cannot be for this until they fix the inability to fight legalities, or come up with a system for expunging, because if you get a charge for a crime and live 20 years crime free, that record isnt going to stop you from getting a job, or a firearms license, but here it does... so yes to making it more involved, but only if they are willing to fix the reasons people need to CK to begin with...

    Again, as stated above. They have a choice in CK, it's not forced upon them. 
    There should be a better way to fight previous crimes off your record either by payment, wipes after a certain amount of time or something along them lines, but Character Killing is Suicide, if you commit suicide IRL you don't come back? Maybe you leave a will for people fair enough but it should be shared among friends, gang members etc. and a new character you create. You shouldn't just give all your assets down to another character it's defeating the whole point.

  5. On 5/4/2019 at 6:38 AM, Gramz said:

    Solution: Fun recreational activities, e.g. sports or games or music, that DOC and (well-behaved) inmates could compete in against each other or enjoy together.



    ^ There is many games implemented in the original GTA V. Tennis, Cards, Darts. They could stick a dartboard in the prison and that'd solve a lot more issues with boredom, AFK'ing and non RP.

    However as the points state above, for me it's a -1, not enough members of staff at DoC and it's all everyone would do, they'd just break out all the time.

  6. On 5/4/2019 at 9:05 PM, Met_Zoli said:


    I suggest that Swat Gets Removed from PD's Lockers.

    and move Swat/Military's HQ to the Military Base.


    ^ That is a +1 from me. Separate thread maybe for it?

  7. 14 hours ago, Victor Einhart said:

    People already think police are overpowered when they really aren't.  Bringing in the military who would have access to even more powerful equipment would just magnify the so-called issue. 

    Second, what would their operational goals be?  Are we going to classify gangs like the Zetas as a terrorist organization and deploy the military to conduct COIN operations to destroy them until all their players quit?  Because that's what a military does.

    Exactly! Military deal with all the gangs, I called the cops twice in game about gang robberies and no response whatsoever, they're more bothered about chasing down people with reckless driving and shootings in the city. You're robbed or attacked up north there is no response.

    I see all them points and I gotta say I agree with both - and +.

  8. Hello All,

    I've had a think about this one for a few days now, considering all options I think there should be some sort of military implemented into the server.
    The police alone can't deal with speeders, gang wars, robberies, drug runners etc. all on their own and many people get away with many crimes, take it in my example, Police are situated in the city of Los Santos, the military would be stated along the highway up to Blaine County. It would disperse the crime watching a little more.

    So the army could occupy Northern States and the Police cover the Southern States, of course with the option to intervene if needed in either state.
    Military is a key component in GTA V, and it'd be a very prestigious job to attain in the game. It should be set with requirements of no criminal history/felonies. Ranking systems from private to general should be available and it would add a lot more opportunity in the streets, extensive training for circumstances they meet and also the prestige of being a military/ex-military man. The job would consist of monitoring the streets when gang wars are kicking off and also to make a presence in the north of the city.

    I can't think of anything else to do with this really, I mean some of you guys could suggest something that helps toward this case? Also your (+-) ratings always help these threads get noticed.

    It'd be very easy for the developers to import the military into the game as there is already many models and a huge army base on the map.

    What's everyone think? Feedback would be good 🙂

  9. 22 minutes ago, KurtLaser said:

    Theres a difference in the charges you are receiving.

    A Speeding Ticket which falls under the speeding category (Within 80KM/h of the speed limit) will get you a fine that you need to pay within 3 days. If you don't pay it within three days then a warrant is issued for your arrest.

    A Speeding Ticket which falls under the category of Reckless Driving (Over 80KM/h above the speed limit) is a crime. So you will receive your speeding ticket, and youll also receive your sentence for committing a crime.

    Getting a standard speeding ticket isn't a crime unless you leave them unpaid. Its a civil matter. I still struggle to understand how people see this system as bad? Or broken? The system works and stops people from speeding, if people are leaving the server because they were racking up thousands of pounds in tickets and then cant afford them, that's IC and up to them to stop driving like idiots.

    In the UK youll receive a fine and points on your license for a speeding offence. But once it gets above a particular speed it becomes a dangerous driving offence (What is reckless driving here), youll need to go court, fight your battle and hope they don't take your license off you and give you prison time and a fine to go along with it. The systems realistic, and it works.

    Not paying a fine full stop is a criminal offence and can be punished by imprisonment in the UK (And still be made to pay it when you're released!). I've seen it happen first hand to friends over here, not paying fines results in incarceration almost all the time. Especially if it's amounting to such a high figure.

    Like I said to them, don't drive stupidly around NCZ's and you'll not have a problem, I've paid a fair bit in speeding tickets on my first day or two but after that I am lucky to get one fine a day now in the game.

    Maybe even a system where the drivers have licenses revoked after so many fines in the game would be a lot better. As I said to Chris Bluestone, there's 100's of ways to vary this type of subject.

  10. 4 minutes ago, Chris Bluestone said:

    Yea I understand the system is kind a  I would say wrong .

    But if you don't have this cash to pay your tickets ? And if you don't spend all your day by collecting cash but you enjoy Roleplay and don't care about cash and yea everyone speed

    Just like I say last summer IRL I get 6 tickets and I Didn't get jailed I Pay them and ? Everything is fine so if we say this is Roleplay than why should people after they pay his tickets go in Jail for that ? 



    That's the point if you don't pay them go in jail if you pay them than don't , is that so hard ? 

    Because there are people you would call "opportunists" that play RP video games, someone looking to bend the rules as far as a loophole.

    In our country if you don't pay your fines you get jailed and then still made to pay them once you're released (United Kingdom). It's quite an applicable law, I mean if you can't pay they take it away from you (tow your vehicle).

    I'd do it like I said, anything under $10,000 then you can work community service or serve an amount of jail time and have your fine wiped.
    Anything over $10,000 then you'd be forced to serve jail time and still pay the fine. Otherwise like I said it would result in people just accepting an hours jail time over paying $30,000 for example. I know i'd definitely rather serve 1 hour in jail than pay 30k out.

    It's hard to discuss this one as it seems there are differential opinions of the situation. Just don't go over 70 in NCZ's and you've no issues.

    • Upvote 1
  11. 23 hours ago, Chris Bluestone said:

    3. If you go in Jail - after than your ticket's get deleted 

    Unfortunately my man, if that was the case people would just accept jail time instead of paying fines, then the system is being f***ed the opposite way, it needs to be a neutral balance otherwise it's not fair for the PD and DMV then.
    I do understand your point, my friend was jailed for an hour and a half IRL time due to $60,000 unpaid speeding fines and 2 accounts of reckless driving. It's a very touchy subject but if you don't wanna get the time and fines, don't speed through the NCZ's it's easy to flick your cruise control on.
    I believe if it's a small fine (Under 10,000 total) then it should be wiped off the slate or maybe even provide community service that is hosted by Department of Corrections or the LSPD for offenders under this limit.
    Either way there's 100's of ways to change this system it just depends how the developers and admins want it to be.

  12. +1 on full face masks.
    Bandanas and such should be warned by police officers to be removed, which they do in game anyway most of the time when they encounter you.
    Fines are a bit excessive for bandanas but for full face masks it's definitely an idea.

  13. Hello All,


    I'm sure everyone knows how trash the radio stations are on GTA V, the inability to listen to good music or listening to the same Kendrick Lamar song 50 times over gets boring at some point.

    I think there should be a Disk Jockey job, the ability to play your own music from YouTube, SoundCloud, Spotify or other music streaming apps, I'm sure this wouldn't require a lot of work and it's a very good aspect that I'm sure most people would like within the game.

    It would have certain downsides such as paying for your equipment, having your own building to do it from, however there are positives to it such as:
    1. You can play any kind of music you want, whenever you want, and make others happy to listen to something different for a change.
    2. Unlike using other music apps it won't drown out VOIP chat or other actions happening in game, which makes it a lot easier to work around.
    3. You can host lottery draws and raffles through VOIP down your radio station, making it profitable in more than one aspect.
    4. You can participate/co-operate with Weazel News to spread LS and Blaine County updates more frequently.
    5. You can host interviews live on radio stations with gang leaders, police officers, medical staff, government officials etc. with voice chat being broadcasted across everyone's vehicles.
    6. The ability to inform people through VOIP about new businesses and events going on.
    7. The clubs such as Tequilala, Lucky Lady Casino etc. would be able to play music without people using VOIP and a speaker phone to play as a DJ, it would be able to become a hiring sort of thing where they can be recruited for a nights work as a DJ at the clubs.

    I fully understand this would be kind of stealing Weazel News' limelight, however this could be an addition to Weazel and take it to the next generation? Maybe have a Disk Jockey job within Weazel News and allow them to have a couple of radio stations dedicated to either lotteries, news events and sole music channels.

    I'm sorry if I haven't elaborated more clearly on this point however I feel it would be a great aesthetic addition to the game and also help benefit other players who don't normally hear about events/lottery draws as much. (And also so I don't have to hear any of these songs repeated on GTA Radios ever again!!!)




  14. +1 with a little more elaboration, as robbing a bank and opening a vault/safe would tend to trigger a Police Alarm System.

    -1 as it is now as the bank is a NCZ, which voids any type of crime/criminal RP.

  15. 3 hours ago, Hoxton_Curry said:


    People already take way too many shots to get injured and the way it is I dont think that they should let everyone use body armor just like that


    But I still believe armor criminals can get from imports need tweaks because it's 40k for 1 piece, it only gives you 50hp (for cops 100, for swat 150)  and you cant take it off, on top of that if someone misslick punches you, you fell down the stairs, someone hits you with their car etc your armor goes down 

    This is the reason i'm saying it, couldn't of worded it better.

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