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Posts posted by Dino_Moka

  1. I think never did it, but i do call 911 alot for abandoned/suspect vehicles, like if i see some abandoned vehicle in a heavy traffic zone i call the police. 2 times now that i have find 2 police vehicles 1 on the side of the road and other in the middle and call it.

  2. like i said before since i decide to take my time and play on this server this gives me the right to talk about what and what not is going on right now in my opinion this is the biggest problems. If the admins take it and use it thats theirs jobs do decide, and based on that i will decide too.

  3. This is why we are here to build as a community and why the forum exist! I am expressing my concerns i have seen this in another games going both ways. So if i see that the admins actualy listen to the community i am happy

  4. i will give them 2 or 3 weeks maybe more if they dont do nothing well... what is the point losing time on the server if things dont go foward. Is like this fuckboys from gta online come to a rp server and just play like gtao this is why i think rules need to be severe, last time i checked this is adverted as rp server and right now is not even close to that.

  5. but that is great calypso you hit you stop and rp, most crash into me that i have seen are not dscync just people bumping into me this is why i think this is funny. If this keep going i will either take the insue in my own hands and buy a gun and make it rp agressive or start to metagaming start to give names to police and admins. And for the admins seen this no i dont have time to come to the forums 50 times a day reporting someone because of reckless driving. I dont know if this was already discussed but maybe whitelist the server would reduce this problems. Like i said before some admin just take 30 minutes jobs either post or truck and them tell me your experience.

  6. yeah even when is greenlight i dont go full speed i steal look to the sides and slow down, it just piss me off that this shit keeps happening and even that admin post about all people passing redlight and shit, i bet most people didnt even read that lol. Everything i ask is that admins start to look more into that, like in the last 10 minutes i called the cops 3 times because people go full crazy road is all mine. They dont even stop to do rp so i cannot call the cops and say player x bump me max i can do is car x bump me. I lose more time calling cops than doing rp which is a bad sine in my opinion.

  7. Can people on the server fucking chill? Is that too much to ask or you guys are so happy to play this game that you dont give a fuck about others? Is that how you do in rl? Do you go on your life dont giving a fuck about others? You are always on the top? I dont want to be mean to the admins here! But this is the fucking worst server i ever play in terms of rp from samp to gmod to armarp. But here? is like everyone does shit because they know nothing will happens to them, admins ask me to report and i am like this shit happens like 50 times a day with me. Admin just need to join on a job for like 30minutes and he will see what i am talking about. People cross roads still with redlight hitting you when you are on the job hq and then these idiots just going around fucking whit people lifes. In the last 5 minutes some idiot hit me with the car when i was going to the truckers hq then i was at the truckers refuel 2 truckers come in bumping in each other and then hiting me when i am inside. I know that everyone wants to make money and not work but you need to respect other people life when i see a trucker inside or a postal park full i wait if the truck is empty i call the cops, people need to give the right of way to others same way this works in real life. I know that this game have dsyncs and shit but most shit that happens is because this guys go around fucking with everyone. Admins need to start to go around more and have heavy hand on this people.

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