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Posts posted by BellamyJames

  1. Me writing this is going to be unnecessary because the vocal majority of people here are internet trolls who get off on this kind of stuff...

    I had the displeasure of going through the eclipse discord with the goal of blocking anyone who's been homophobic in the chat, calling each other gay as an insult. For some reason OOC Insults don't count if it's homophobic which says a lot about how the community is ran... I was happy just blocking out the toxic until I realized how many comments like that were made by NBDY himself. I don't want to play on a server that only rallies around certain folks who have connections.

    I don't care if things change, I was hoping that a white-listed server would be more focused on RP instead of being internet trolls but you can only ask so much of people. I do hope SOME of you consider what your toxic behavior means in the long run, if you ever have a kid that comes out to you, or a best friend. This game has thousands of players with access to the discord, majority of them young who haven't gotten themselves or life figured out yet and then have to come online and read comments that make them feel like who they are is wrong. This is not an isolated incident, it's the reason I quit Weazel News and ECRP Staff because I know the problems go all the way up the chain and don't just stop at regular players. 

    People have a limited time to come on and play video games, why be bothered to play somewhere that is just going to act like this. 

    Don't bother commenting with your trolling behavior, This is the last time I'll be logging onto the forums. 


    • Like 3
  2. 40 minutes ago, Xoza said:

    Can be done ICly and could be our next Legal faction or business.

    Yeah at this moment though NBDY needs to remove a barrier. there's a railing in the middle of the track.

    Makes it a bit unusable or else I"d absolutely put in the effort to get it going. To race with that barrier there would be dangerous. 



  3. Just now, xxxJustTimmy said:

    If you can get this legal that would be sick! I would come by and race all the time. 

    The real challenge would be making sure every car is the same as far as mods. There would have to be restrictions on it. Anyways, maybe i'll make it part of next LS Magazine. Either way, yeah it's on the "to do" list 

    • Like 1
  4. 12 minutes ago, xxxJustTimmy said:

    Police will pull up in insurgents and attack helicopters if this ever happened!

    I mean I know how to apply to get this going to make this event legal. Just going to take a little planning. First gotta get a job and save some money, dumped it all into my other business. Broke people shouldn't dream big, ya know? haha

  5. I know it always seems like I'm pushing for more civilian RP but hear me out. A 'Racing Faction' or simply 'one driver for each official faction' that compete nightly, weekly, etc at the race tracks behind the casino. The open lot can be secured with the same kind of gate mechanism that Weazel has, allowing limited access in and out of the track. If the government didn't want to foot the bill for the designated race cars they can make it so each official faction can sponsor a car and pay for the vehicle themselves. 

    Players that want to be witness can go to a designated area and place bets on the races for a chance to win big if they select the right winner. 




  6. Link to Classifieds To See MAGAZINE


    I am excited to announce that LS Magazine has officially started the journey towards becoming an official legal faction in Los Santos. It is going to take dedication from me, staff, and the fans of the magazine, all working together to bring this to life in a real way. 



    The magazine was started in April and had it's debut edition in June 2019. It was in response to the city not having any solid publications dedicated to entertainment and city events. While Weazel News has a newspaper it is an inconsistent publication. LS Magazine was created by Bellamy James who was the last CEO Weazel News had. During the time at Weazel he became the principle writer for the newspaper and since his departure the newspaper has not had an issue released. 

    Currently the magazine is set to run digital monthly issues that focus on a wide range of topics. This is just a small stepping stone to the long term future goals of the company and is only one service that we have our sights set on providing. 


    There are a large number of goals that Los Santos Magazine has it's sights set on. Currently the only source of income that the newspaper will be able to make is by selling ad space in the pages of the paper. The only way to make this company viable and allowing it to grow will be to get the magazine into convenience/general stores. This is going to take a lot of hard work and prove not only worthiness but also consistency so that the magazine can be taken seriously in the eyes of the admins. 

    After the company can start to bring in cash the services that are provided can expand into other forms of entertainment including podcasts, short sitcoms/dramas, and other events around the city. Another group is in works of starting a radio station and I think partnering with them to help each other out would lead to some great opportunities all around as well. 


    The current state of the magazine does not allow for any hiring. There is no significant income of the magazine and any staff that is brought in will be purely unpaid and in it just to help build something that they are passionate about. However, if this seems like something that you want to be a part of and see where we can take this, contact me ICly and we can discuss the opportunities. While this magazine is my baby, I am looking for people with a like minded vision on what it could become. 


    Currently the only vehicles/equipment used is my own vehicle and know-how. The company does have it's own business space and as of last week is officially a recognized company in Los Santos. The company is waiting to be certified/licensed by the city, however we were given permission to fully operate as a business until the time we are approved for good. 

    As the company grows and income can be generated I would like to provide a company vehicle to the employees who are working on getting out into the city to collect photographs and stories. Having matching vehicles creates a sense of togetherness and will be important to operate as a faction together with shared goals. 



    • Upvote 1
  7. 1 minute ago, jowebb7 said:

    So if there are no spots at high end, we can not legally sell a car? Is it actually illegal to sell a car without using high or low end?

    In essence it's tax evasion, it's a crime that pretty much everyone ignores and i don't see anyone spending time to enforce it. But it is technically illegal on the server, but compared to the other shit, no one even looks twice int hat direction. But I'm just saying if we are nitpicking then doing that shouldn't be allowed in the NCZ period. 

    • Upvote 1
  8. On 5/1/2019 at 12:39 PM, Yputi said:

    Lately I got scammed at the bank. Now this is something that has been discussed a lot I noticed.

    Going to play devil's advocate here... Selling Cars or Houses under the table is an illegal action itself. Doing so you forgo paying taxes on the item. So even if you didn't get scammed it's still an illegal transaction that you're making at the bank so it shouldn't be done in a NCZ anyways. 

    • Upvote 1
  9. 3 minutes ago, Wizzidy said:

    I would really like to see some of the "employee parking" areas of the city have parking lots as well... We at the DOC are like 10 minutes drive from the nearest parking garage and admins keep coming by and force impounding our vehicles because it causes lag... but we have 40-50 employees and most of us dont have time when there is somebody at our door to get off duty, go to our car through 5 gates, drive all the way into town, and park our car before logging off.... either a few strategic ones or at least one near the DOC.... 

    Yeah I think if there was a way to put in a few, the one by DOC, the one by the bank and something somewhere in vespucci/canals area. 

    • Like 1
  10. 3 minutes ago, Wizzidy said:

    Oh no no no it is a great suggestion, I was just saying at the DOC we agree. We want this too we are just trying to iron out how it would work and what makes a person interested in it.... this would involve PD, government, and other legal factions coming to respect reform so people could get jobs if they went through a reform program and were crime free for a period of time. Or perhaps the government offering record expunging, forgiveness, or charge reduction based on good behavior... there are a lot of options but it should definitely be a conversation. We want any and all ideas to bring to the table on how to do this well and with good RP as well as preventing any potential abuse.

    I think even outside the official factions you could find other businesses that would be willing. I'd always be willing to hire on one or two and report in on their performance and behavior. 

  11. Just now, Wizzidy said:

    +1 as we are already working on this in the DOC but it needs a little support from the legal side of things to offer incentives for doing so...

    Oh awesome, well I didn't mean to come up with a half baked idea when there's already planning in the works for something like it that's probably a lot more thought out

  12. This isn't something that would need to be scripted into the game in any way it would just take some organization and maybe a little government funding, but two ideas kind of in here to offer some rehabilitation. Right now if you're arrested and sent to prison, the second your time is up you walk out the door, have a fellow gang member pick you up, and you're back doing what you were doing. A lot of people say extending prison time, I think a solution that could be used in conjunction with it or instead of extending time, would be to offer a halfway house where they must live in for a certain amount of time while doing regular civilian jobs and report in with a parole officer showing that you are working and staying crime free. (until however long you're required to stay at the halfway house)

    • Like 1
  13. Just now, Brandon Powers said:

    Yes more fucking tacos are needed as soon as fucking possible, that party was epic beyond anything lets continue this fest with a taco. 


    9 minutes ago, suggarrhighh said:

    post thought after attending a server event today, yea definatly need to hold more than 10
    and we need to remove the feature where the taco truck despawns after i stand outside it for to long
    i found myself running in and out of the event constantly to make sure it didnt go, barely gave me enough time to enter the venue, mingle/make sales before i had to run back out

    Wedding? haha. Yeah definitely need more variety, and higher quantity. Taco Trucks could make a ton of money if they fixed them up a bit. 

  14. Opening a second parking lot would greatly increase safety and this lot and the current parking lot. Spreading out the options for parking make sit less likely of a car jacking when parking/unparking your vehicle. Right now criminals know to stand in this one spot and eventually someone is going to pull out an unlocked car. I think adding this one additional lot is a more elegant solution to that problem than making it a NCZ. Of course you'd have to pull your car out of the same lot you put it in with, they wouldn't be connected. 


  15. 41 minutes ago, Matt_Borisow said:

    Sorry for asking, but what can you exactly do with a house and even with a big yard? I am good by just living in my car.

    Put things in the house of course. And soon the government will be lifting laws restricting outdoor renovations, so you will be able to build add-ons and such on the exteriors of properties. 

  16. 1 minute ago, Wizzidy said:

    +1 for reworking taco trucks, maybe to food trucks like mobile general stores... though it would take some thought to balance so people dont abuse it.

    At the very least ad a few items, maybe burrito or burger or at least water also, and increase the capacity from 10. Give people incentive to work the taco truck during server events, they'd rake in the dough. 

  17. 8 hours ago, Brandon Powers said:

    Strong 1+

    I think the implementation of this would encourage coders to come forward for other games as well, such as prison games, and other sports as well.

    Yeah, I wish I knew anything about script/codes to know if it would even be possible with how Rage works.

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