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About SuDaBoss

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  1. I also understand for the people who have raised the question about the police being unable to withstand illegal activities, but that's the point? The ratio of criminals and police should not be 1:1, police can't always be there and that's why adding more illegal jobs are important. It adds a sense of realism, police sometimes can't respond to an issue straight away.
  2. I just feel there needs to be more variety as doing the same small amount of illegal activities can get increasingly boring.
  3. Yeah, this server seemingly does lack quite a bit of criminal jobs and seeing jewelry stores and banks will be a good thing. Maybe not a time limit on banks, but rather the bank takes time to regain its money. So if one crew robs the bank it might take a few days IRL for the bank to regain its money. The bank heists can be broadcasted by the news to let people know. To find out how much money bank has you can, idk, like maybe go to the till and it tells you. Just trying to throw some rough ideas out there. So +1
  4. I know when you first look at it "Upgrading fishing" you may laugh but at least hear me out. I feel like roleplay and more illegal jobs which involve fishing. For example, you could go on a boat to a certain area and poach illegal fish for example sharks or something which can be sold for more money than normal fishes. This would mean that police would also have to have a role on the ocean, maybe checking cargo of the boats and vans near the seaside or something. I know I explained my concept badly, but if it is someone appealing then it could be added. It's just a suggestion in which something could be added.
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