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Posts posted by gtara

  1. Hello

    Not to rant off , I am fully aware that there is a LOT of application coming your way waiting for approval and I am fully aware that it takes a lot of time too.

    But today it has been a week since I applied, if you guys are receiving new applications every day in the number you currently do, If my application gets denied and I reapply, do I get dropped down the queue ? as you go through the applications in order ( oldest first and such). Thank you in advance!


  2. Hiya

    My name is George, I go by g_tara. I heard a lot of things about RP and I really wanted to give it a try and Role-Play a character, I have played DND, but rp-ing on GTA looks a bit more serious and interesting. Interacting with other characters and doing random things in character sounds fun, If of course everyone stays in character.

    Rules are a bit overwhelming for a newbie like me, but I am sure I will be okay and learn my way around the town fast enough.

    My character is a Russian ( yes i know like everyone else  ;/ ) 30 year old guy ,( I am Russian/Greek and living in the UK , 30 years old too 🙂 ).
    He is a chill dude that loves driving his Lada around the city in day time , what happens in night time is a secret.

    I applied last Monday, so hopefully wont be long till my application gets approved or denied.

    I am hoping for the first option out of the two 🙂 , hopefully we can meet in game and create a story together , See you all in Los Santos.

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