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Posts posted by MysteryPizzaGuy

  1. 2 minutes ago, TheCanadian said:

    How would this in any way be realistic? You might as well add a button of 'auto balancing' like some FPS games have and make sure all gangs have even numbers at that point. This is not how IRL or IG should work

    "Doesn't work this way IRL, so it shouldn't work here." Yeah, keep going with those cherry picked points. IRL you don't get robbed every 2 seconds for your fish, your only legal job options aren't fisherman, trucker and 5 others, and you don't revive with 30 min memory loss after 5 50.cal bullets to the head. Just because something isn't completely accurate to real life, doesn't mean that it can't be implemented and lead to a better simulation of actual RL. 

    But by all means, tell me more about how none of this is realistic and therefore we should allow brain-dead zerg gangs to run the server. Because that's the height of realism.

  2. -1 If you give it to crims for cheap, just make it available to purchase legally as well. Civilians can already barely defend themselves against criminals, having to shoot them twice as many times would just make the whole thing worse.

  3. It's a cops and robbers server right now, and the civilian or even small gang style of play is almost impossible. Playing with a couple of my buddies and trying to protect ourselves sounded fun until we realised that most people will roll up with 5+ people, or have backup of 5+ people around the corner.

    Every time we would win they'd be easily able to reimburse their weapons and such, whereas we would have to grind and hope we don't get destroyed in the mean time. Joining one of the big gangs seems like the only solution, but feels like being a part of the problem.

    Not once was there any level of RP beyond " Hands up, give me your shit", the cops can't handle the amount of crime so there's no point in calling them. 

    Why even have a white-list at this point, might as well have an aim test, it'd be more indicative to your success on the server.

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  4. I think the Fear RP rule still has a purpose, without it any threat would turn into a shootout, but what you said is correct. In the current state of the game it's only making things worse. Robbing someone is not only a decently risk free proposition, it's also promoted by factors that have nothing to do with quality RP. Because of the Fear RP rule, if you're the first to pull up the gun, and you have equal or larger numbers, there is almost nothing that the victim can do. 

    People who go robbing and such always have the same reason, money, it's the only motivator and because of that it doesn't make any difference to the victim or to the robber whether the victim dies. Either way all of their possessions are gone. The cops aren't really useful in that situation either, they rarely show up in time or at all, and even if they did it's one out of hundreds of crimes they'll get that day, there's no way any significant investigation or RP is gonna come of it.

    Perhaps there shouldn't be a Fear RP rule, but instead one that makes the people robbed have to give away less stuff if they don't put up a fight? That way there's an incentive to surrender but also a chance to fight back? Risk and reward. 
    Perhaps people recently robbed could get a ((robbed)) tag above their head, making it so they can't get robbed again for a certain amount of time?

    I won't even talk about how silly it is that no-one carries money, so the best things to rob are fish and wheat, everyone wears masks all the time so you can't even tell if they're about to rob you or just trying to hitch a ride. This breeds paranoia, after losing the new player tag you basically have to pull a gun on everyone you meet outside of the NCZ, because if you don't they have the advantage. It's a clown world.

    Even with all of this it still won't fix the main issue, the fact that the things rewarded on the server is getting money quickly and the only tools provided are weapons and violence. There's no reward for giving another player a great RP experience, there are no tools to decide disputes in /me and /do's that are supported by the game and enforced by the rules. I want to be in a situation where the guy who's robbing me isn't thinking about how much money he can extract from me, but how great he can make this interaction, how we can both have a great time RPing.

    Make basic items less of a money sink so that grinding just to survive isn't a thing, But make obtaining big cash only accessible through a bunch of good RP interactions instead of shitty robberies and grinding jobs. Gangs should have a reason to keep people pleased and alive, some of them are in their turf after all. Basically set up a way to make sure that the people who are the best at providing great RP experiences to all are at the top and are spreading that behaviour to others. 

    +1, can't wait to go to the bank and walk in between a bunch of masked up drug dealers driving super cars so that I can pick up the tattered remains of my fish-mongering salary. 


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  5. The speed cameras located in and around highway entrances are messy and unfair, in the first bit of the clip I understand it's my fault, but it's hard to see when the freeway ends and the city road begins. I'd recommend putting down some kind of a marker, line or other type of warning so that people know to slow down in time. (Another speed camera before the actual one that just tells you to slow down would be nice.)

    The second part of the clip I don't understand at all, I've entered the highway and am speeding up to join the highway traffic, this is normal practice, yet the camera still bills me a tidy little sum, seems wrong.



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