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Posts posted by OneBongHit

  1. I'm not trash talking, sorry if it sounds like that but I'm asking question, im not native english so sorry if it may come out as rude but really I'm asking question and telling facts here. And if I was, what would that change in the agrument here? This comment isnt adding anything to the conversation.

  2. 28 minutes ago, aongrant said:

     the dev team doesn't just focus at one thing at a time, different people have different tasks to do. I'm sure most of the features from the old forum that are missing will be added eventually, even better than before.

    Why couldn't they release it once it was all done then? its like their updates, are they testing it for real before release?

    I get the fact that there is many people working on multiple thing but still, they release a criminal update last week(more then 1 month after the first announcement), its buggy as fuck, the trading system isnt working properly for gun parts(havent tried in the last two days tbh), drugs that were suppose to have effects dont do anything... Its just annoying to see the forum changed while there is so much to do elsewhere and we dont even know whats up with that, they are not talking to their community about this and they barely never answer in the suggestions section.


    If you really dislike the new look scroll all the way down and click "Theme" and click default

    Thx I changed this, that is a bit better

  3. WHY? Now the forum is ugly(in my opinion)... Its dark, grey and is saddening to see. 
    The game panel isn't there anymore..? Or at least we cant find it as easily as it used to be.
    Why are you putting some time and energy in re-making your forum with more flaws then before? When you could work on server script and things that we all really want(go look in the suggestion sections). I'm just trying to understand where do you put your efforts and priority? Is it in the community or you just do whatever it pleases you at the moment?

    Maybe there is some benefits I'm not aware of and that I cant see.. If that is the case maybe someone can explain it to me please.

    • NAY 1
  4. I agree with what you are saying that this is MG, but its useful to filter decent rper from those who are just here to be in a gang with guns and drugs and do some bang bang. We can have a slight aspect of their ooc personality and if they can develop a small background story for their character when they answer the application, some gangs still require their member to be met ICly and take some time just to Hang-around the gang before they can get in, the application is just a plus. I think discord is, like TS, just a way of keeping track of everything that is going on, like new rules or updates that require downloads to play on the server we can help each others out.


    That said I think the application part, you are right is borderline MG(I'll say borderline because its not impossible with the "darkweb" even tho it is more then unlikely) and they could refrain gang from using those, but the discord is very usefull and I dont see how they could control that part.

  5. Since the criminal update is out we are receiving a lot of demands from people to join our gang.We want South-Side Grove to be seen as a gang who RP and follow the rules we dont want a bad reputation, so we need to filter some people and make sure that we enlist the good one. To make this easier for us we came up with a few requirements and an online application.


    We will need to meet with the contender ICly to see if they got what it need to be a Grove. There is two way to make your enlisting happen :

    -You can chill around the hood and try to get yourself known(in a good way) from the gang members so they might put in a good word for you, this might take a few days of hanging-around.

    -You can also apply online, we might accept your application and send you an invitation to hang-around, that might improve your chance of getting in faster.


    Now being hang-around doesnt mean you are in the gang yet, you'll have to hang-around at the hood at least a day(it could be more) before we officially accept you in. We want to see how you RP and how you interact with people before we let you represent grove around town.


    If you wish to be a full-fledged member of the South-Side Grove you have to fit those requirements:

    -Follow all server rules at all time.

    -Be respectful to all other gang members.

    -2000 In-game experience on at least one character is a great help(we may accept some exceptions).

    -Make sure you understand the basics of role play. -Always stay In-Character when around the hood or when we are doing "activities" with the gang. (Example: no jumping around on cars when we are at meeting or at the hood)

    -Answer backup calls for turfs wars and dispute for sale spot.

    -Dont ignore radio calls, if a member is asking for a pick up or for help he should be getting an answer from at least one other member, even if you cant get there let him know.


    This is our application sheet:


    (Thanks to James Eriksen for the application).

    • Upvote 1
  6. Hey everybody since the new update is now here, we are looking for some people ready to put in some work for grove. If you are interested to join us contact one of our higher ranks IG, we'll find a way to meet with you ICly first then we'll see if you got what it needs to be a grove.


    Also, we'll ask all of our members to follow the server rules and be respectful to other members, so make sure you read the RULES and you understand them please.


    Hope to see ya'll in game

    • Upvote 2
  7. Wait how can you even call me unprofessional youre not even a professional anything lmao just stop writing this shit its so anoying.


    Don't want to add fuel to the fire but why would he have to be a professional in something to recognize that something is non-professional? isn't your client the best to judges your attitude and how you deal with business, if its professional or not?


    By the way those black letters on this picture, at the bottom, its hard to read, I had to change screen so I could see it correctly I think you should change that a little bit.

    • Upvote 2
  8. So, after watching a lot of people who don't speak english, particularly brazilians as we have a lot of them, I've seen them fail the quiz and then just ask in discord or in Andarilho's livestream chat what the answers are. Then 30 minutes later, they're on the server following around Andarilho in courier trucks smashing everyone else off the road.


    So, I think we should increase the quiz cooldown time from 30 minutes to at least 24 hours. That way, if they're eager to get on the server, which they most likely are, they will be encouraged to read about the server and RP. Doesn't fix their broken language, but at least gives them a chance to learn some RP before joining.

    Yeah something need to be done, I seen pics with the answers to the quiz and a translation of the servers rules on his discord.. Teaching the rules isnt a bad idea but, dont you think that if they cannot read or understand them in english maybe they're not good enough in english to play here? Maybe that'll atleast help them not to break rules wich is nice but if they cant communicate in english what are they doing here? just a thought..

  9. 1. Did you experience an increase or decrease (or no difference) in FPS?

    FPS drop on populated area, with GTA:N I never went under 50 and now at the cart market or the fishing pier I drop to 28-30

    2. Are you crashing more or less (or no difference) in GT:MP than you were crashing in GTA:N?

    More crashes with GT:MP, I crashed a lot more then other days I played lately.

    3. Are you having desync issues more or less (or no difference) in GT:MP than you were having in GTA:N?

    Combat is slightly better but cars and players are always floating for me.

    4. Are there any more performance differences between GT:MP and GTA:N you'd like to point out?

    im having more issue with GT"MP then GTA:N for me, people are floating everywhere, we cant see others skins, lots of thing are not working properly and are laggy but it still minor stuff.

  10. I mean.. one of them is already banned, so I am not making up things. And as I said it is great if you are trying to improve. All I am going to say is that my mate was in Grove, and he facepalmed when he saw your gang chat. Also I never said that you must be a perfect english speaker, but when someone can't even combine words to make a sentence with some sense in it, then there is something wrong. No offense.


    The guy you refer, was kick out of the gang at the moment he got ban and yeah /f is OOC so idk why your mate facepalmed over it, the only time I saw something that I couldnt understand is when people where speaking an other language and I have no problem with that as long as they can switch back to english when its needed. Other then that theres me and other people who arent native english speaker so maybe we say weird stuff sometimes but it never happen to me that I couldn't explain what I wanted to say.


    By the way we appreciate and welcome constructive criticism. Who did you meet from grove street yet? you said you only met Rule-breakers tell me their names, I'll be happy to tell them what they did wrong so they can learn, you could even do it yourself if you have 2 sec. Dont forget that this GTAV:RP thing is new and since it is GTA:V many people who never really RP are interested by that just because the concept of "you can do anything you do in real life" and there are many rules to learn, we need to give those people a chance to learn and have fun too, this is a light-rp server everybody need to start somewhere. If we just tell them they are bad they'll never learn and wont have fun and we wont neither since they'll break our immersion because they dont know how to play.

    • Upvote 1
  11. Please do make sure.. So far I have only seen people who could not even speak proper English or rule breakers FeelsBadMan.

    Not saying that all of you are like this, but that's my experience so far.

    I never recruit a guy before talking to him IC and OOC about server rules and that they can write English enough so we can understand them clearly, probably around 50% of the serv arent native English speaker.. So I'm sorry but I dont think you'll ever get perfect English.


    This is Light-RP as I get remind frequently when I'm trying to do something more "serious", so we have to adjust since others gangs are recruiting too, we cannot require real RPtest to get in the gang if every other gangs just accept any invites. So we check if they can keep a character and after a little IC intro we ask them OOCly if they understand the rules and that they NEED to follow them if they want to stay in grove. Now if you see rule-breakers within grove member then, report them and admins will take care of it and we'll do our part. We do not have control over others actions, even the most serious guy on earth could break loose sometimes.

    • First Name: Lloyd
    • Last Name: Wallace
    • Date of Birth (IC and OOC):1985/1994
    • Gender: male
    • Do you have a driver's license?: Yup
    • How long have you been a resident of Sandy Shores?: Not very a long time, to be honest I only moved over there once I heard that I could find people who really understand how awesome a faggio is. I dont really plan on buying a house since I think its a better investment to buy mods for my faggio, so I'll probably be living behind a dumpster near Route68 gas station.
    • What do you do to help the gang make money?: I'm a good fisher.
    • What car do you drive?: I'm the proud owner of a glendale and a faggio, I didnt had a faggio until my cousin Dwayne gift me one for my birthday.
    • Are you prepared to go to jail for the gang?: Yes
    • Are you fine driving a pink vehicle?: Yes
    • Are you prepared to do some illegal shit?: Yes
    • Are you fine with fighting other gangs if it comes to that?: Yes

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