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Posts posted by DonEladio

  1. I came to vote no. 

    Obviously, the supercars speeding around and launching across intersections at 200 km/h are a problem.  That said, if you think of this from the perspective of newer players to the server (of which I am one); this system (unless backed-up by a real points system with loss of license implications etc) is really just a punishment for poorer/newer players.  Speed cameras backed only by speeding tickers will just result in a system where you can drive as fast as you can afford (which for richer/established players, is basically unlimited).

    Newer/poorer players who have to drive to make money (buses, couriers, truckers) are the ones who will be impacted the most.  They'll make money slower (because of the mandated slower driving), and because they're always driving in town to make money, they stand to rack up the most tickets. 

    If we want people to focus on obeying the rules of the road, the speed limit in town needs to be upped a little (30, when translated to this map, is overly slow in almost all parts of town).  Also, I'm not sure if it's possible, but the traffic lights are awful -- they need to run on more realistic timers.  They should not be switching from red to green and back every few seconds.

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