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Posts posted by UnbleachedStain

  1. Date and time (provide timezone): 5/14- Now, 5/17

    Character name: Jordan Jones

    Issue/bug you are reporting: I wanted to summit an application to MD, but clicking on the LSEMS on the forums, only give me a General Error webpage.

    Expected behavior:  Expected to open up the home page of the LSEMS forums on the Gov Forums.

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicatehttp://prntscr.com/npz8og Screenshot of the website. Clicking "Return to the Index Page" does nothing.

    EDIT: I summited a Firearms License, and i saved the Link to it. When they archived the app. the link was dead, and i was left with a "You are not authorized to view this post" But i can still get to that page without getting to the error, its only when i try to go to any of the other pages.

  2. Everybody knows that if you need to call 911, you dial, 911, and you tell them what you need, a police car, an ambulance, or both. 

    Everybody knows that if you need a taxi, you dial 1111, and you let them know if you want a normal Taxi, a Luxury Taxi, or a Commercial Taxi.

    But what about the mechanics? you do /mechanic, and not a lot of people know this command, nor do some people know how to explain what is wrong. I suggest that we get a number for calling a mechanic. telling them what that need, Towing, Repair, ect. Letting the mechanic know what they need to bring, either a Tow truck, a Utility Truck, or, hopefully someday, a Flatbed,

    Basicly, somebody calls the mechanics, via phone number, 2222 or something, and from there they have 2 options, Tow, Repair, then 2 more options, Bike or Car? The mechanics at Bayview and LSC can get the call, and respond like a normal /mechanic request, Easy and Simple for both the caller and the mechanic.

  3. Date and time (provide timezone): 5/9/2019 11:57 A.M Eastern Timezone 

    Character name: Jordan Jones

    Issue/bug you are reporting: /mechrequests off duty says "You need to be on taxi duty to use this command!" 

    Expected behavior:  shouldnt it say "You need to be on mechanic duty to use this command!"?

    Evidence, notes worth mentioning, steps to replicate: Type in /mechrequests and then type in /taxirequests off of duty from any job and you will see that they are both referring to taxi duty, not mechanic and taxi duty..

    Pics of both command and the error text: http://prntscr.com/nmh58m - http://prntscr.com/nmh5by

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