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Posts posted by reddawn141

  1. PRWYYAU.png

    Jack King, and his past before The Lost


    Born to a poor family in the deep south, Jack didn’t have much growing up. By the age of eighteen he was standing in front of a judge, and not for the first time. That judge gave him a choice, he could join the Marine Corps or go to prison, Jack chose the Corps. Within the month Jack was on Parris Island, and his whole life changed. Jack did well in the Marines, after two deployments to Afghanistan, he was promoted to Sergeant. His time in the Marines was not destined to last. One night, after a long firefight with the Taliban that resulted in casualties, a fresh faced Lieutenant made the mistake of asking Jack why he was wearing a soiled uniform to the chow hall. Jack beat the man nearly to death, and was stripped of his rank and sent to the brig for over a year. After his dishonorable discharge from the Marines, Jack saw the world in a different light. He didn’t trust his government, didn’t care for most people. He took his savings and bought an old trailer in Sandy Shores. A place where no one asked questions and the law rarely came by. He met a few fellow Veterans in the area and they formed a club called ‘The Angels of Death’. Jack was the Road Captain, and all was well. He had the brotherhood he so badly missed from the Corps, but he had the freedom he wanted too. Sadly, the club was not meant to last. Jack was arrested and sent to prison, and when he got out the club was gone. So, he set back to his trailer and struggled to get by.




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  2. +1 aside from the hunting. While I like the idea, hunting is also done by poor peoplem. In the south no rich person goes into the wild to hunt, they release there own animals on a tract of closed off land. But poor and middle class people go out into the woods with there rifles and hunt much more often.

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