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Posts posted by ActireonYT

  1. 2 hours ago, Mr.Sub said:

    Should add some sort of example to each job such as dockworker is to grab a flat bed truck drive it under the Crane. Load up a shipping container and drive o it a corresponding ship. Payout on compleation of each container. (What exactly do you mean by create carriers? We have a trucking job for freight. As well there is a delevery boy job already)

     lastly the convenience store, now it would be cool but it would lead to 2 things happening 1 players getting board standing in 1 spot hopping someone will come in and 2 they will be robbed.... a lot, and seeing as how everyone wants money the store clerk won't be a dissired job it might be more beneficial to have an alternative job of that nature such as burger shot employee so there would be extra  tasks such as a timer that every 3 mins while on the job u need to "flip burgers" or to "dry fries" if failed u will be "fired" and have to start over, payout would be after a certain time on the job like every Ingame hour or every 9 mins irl for a total of 3 task completed 

    By delivery boy I mean a to home food delivery, crate carrier would load crates off trucks to storage areas. Dockworker is exactly what I mean by what you described it to be, + some features present in the singleplayer mission "Scouting the Port". The clerk could have a shotgun under the counter for defense, and a panic button. About the burger shot, developers will need to develop the system for fast food places.

  2. 1) Add uniforms for every job. (For: garbage man, money transporter, bus driver)

    2) Add more jobs (Dockworker, crate carrier, delivery boy, convenient store clerk)

    Well, that is it.

  3. 8 hours ago, BallinByNature said:

    We do not have a public discord, but upon joining, we do give members our discord which is pretty much used for OOC screenshots, and planning when people can be online for larger group events.


    Will you message me when the gang will be added to the server? I really wanna join.

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